McFie, Maude E.

Name:Maude E. McFie
Married name:Bloom, Lansing
Achievements:Missionary among Pueblo Indians &Mexicans; Ward worker, Santa Fe; Co-editor, Spanish denominational bulletin; Assists husband in his work as Resident Director,; State Museum (she translates; Spanish &; French in Archives Dept.)
Race:Anglo-Saxon Irish
Family attending UM:Brother: McFie, John R., Jr.
UM Department(s):College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Memories:Groups -- sororities -- Lama Phi Beta
Interpersonal relationships -- friendship
Interpersonal relationships -- romantic


birthCoulterville, IL
businessSanta Fe, NM
homeSanta Fe, NM


TypeSchoolDegreeStart YearEnd YearField
undergraduate University of Michigan 1905 1906