Photographers from the Michigan Daily record group
The Michigan Daily records at the Bentley Historical Library include a nearly complete bound set of the printed Daily going back to the first issue in 1890 (as well as a microfilm version), a collection of faculty/staff/administration biographical files, which has become a valuable research resource, and a faculty portrait collection. Most significant, for present purposes, is the run of 35mm negatives covering the years 1963-2006 and a small number of digital camera images beginning in 1993. Daily alumni of the period will doubtless be familiar with the white envelopes, sometimes cryptically labeled and attributed, that make up the Bentley's collection of Daily negatives.
The provenance, retention and archiving of Daily negatives has been a somewhat haphazard process over the years. The whereabouts of negatives prior to 1963 is largely a mystery. The Bentley's collection begins in 1963 with a single envelope of unattributed negatives of picketers in front of the Administration Building and the President's House, demanding that the university hire more African Americans ("Jobs or Mobs" one sign read). Not until 1966 does the Bentley's collection begin to look like a real working file of a photo department. Even then however, it is unclear what the rationales or circumstances were that led to some negatives remaining with the Daily and others being retained by the photographers.
The choice of photographers and images for inclusion as samples from the Bentley's Michigan Daily collection was based in part on previous requests for images by Bentley patrons and on selections made either on the significance of subject, that it captured a slice of campus life, or that it was simply an interesting image. The selections of 5-20 images for a photographer were made by student staff of the Bentley. Titles or captions for the images are derived, for the most part, from the annotations on the negative envelopes. We expect to add sample images from more photographers as time and staffing permit.
James Forsyth

- Daily Staff: 1967/68
- Hometown: Ann Arbor, MI
- U-M Degree: BA 68, JD 72
Browse photos by James Forsyth
Photo caption: Turkey Hunt at Markley, Nov. 11, 1967
Dennis Gainer

- Daily Staff: 1970-1972
- Hometown: Detroit, MI
- U-M Degree AB 1973
- Dennis' website
Browse photos by Dennis Gainer
Photo caption; Knauss - Tent City Guerilla Theatre
Tom Gottlieb

- Daily Staff: 1970-1974
- Hometown: Highland Park, MI
- U-M Degree: AB 1974
Browse photos by Tom Gottlieb
Photo caption: Black Action Movement Concert, Hugh Masakela, Sept. 1970
James Judkis

- Daily Staff: 1969-1972
- Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA
- U-M Degree: BFA 1974,
MFA 1976 - Jim's website
Browse photos by James Judkis
Photo caption: Waterman Gym Registration Line, Sept. 9, 1970
Judith Kessler

Photo caption: Bursley Sit-In (protesting dormitory hours for women)
Sara Krulwich

Photo caption: Roller Skating in Model Cities Play(ground?), May 18, 1970
Pauline Lubens

- Daily Staff: 1974-1977
- Hometown: Ann Arbor, MI
- U-M Degree: BA History, 1977
- Pauline's website
Browse photos by Pauline Lubens
Photo Caption: Ozone Parade (4), Oct. 25, 1974
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