Bentley Historical Library

University of Michigan Football Rosters

1905 Football Team

Tips For Searching the Football Rosters

To search the database, simply type the term(s) or phrase into the text box, select the search option (equals, begins with, contains or not equal) and press the "Find" button.

Search on multiple fields -- enter search terms in the text boxes for two or more fields, select the search option and press the "Find" button. (all multiple field searches are "AND" searches. It is not currently possible to do "OR" searches.)

Number, Year and Date Range searches are numeric searches, only number values will return proper results.

Search options:

Searching by Date

Sorting results

Results can be sorted in a variety of ways. Before pressing the "Find" button, select the order in which you want the results to be sorted. The default sort is by lastname-firstname-year.

The options are:

Option Full Sort Order
name-year lastname-firstname-year
year-name year-lastname-firstname
year-number year-number-lastname-firstname
number-year number-year-lastname-firstname
number-name number-lastname-firstname-year
letter-year type of letter won, year, lastname-firstname*
year-letter year-type of letter-lastname-firstname
letter-name type of letter, lastname-firstname-year
* Letters are sorted in the order : varsity, reserve, jr. varsity, ama, physical ed. numeral, sophomore numeral, sweater award, non-letterwinner, and freshman letter/numeral