Other Ways to Give

The University of Michigan Giving Site contains helpful information and links to assist with these additional types of gifts:

Estate & Planned Gifts
Estate and planned gifts may offer numerous financial advantages while enhancing your capacity to make a special gift to the Bentley, which can both further secure the Library’s future while providing a lasting legacy. For more information, please call the Office of Gift Planning at 734.615.2022 or toll-free at 866.233.6661.

Gift of Securities or Wire Transfer
There are many ways to make a gift of stock or securities to the Bentley, which may have particular tax advantages. Please contact for assistance the securities staff at umgiftsec@umich.edu or call 877.647.9090.

U-M Employee Payroll Deduction
Faculty and staff may elect to give to the Bentley using payroll deduction through Wolverine Access. Please contact Lara Zielin at 734.936.1342 for more information.

Matching Gifts
You may be able to increase your gift to the Bentley with your company’s matching gift program. Contact your company’s Human Resources department for eligibility and guidelines. To find out whether your employer has a gift matching program, you may search the list on the U-M Giving Site. If you have questions regarding matching gifts, please contact Gift and Records Administration by email at umgift@umich.edu or by phone at 734.647.6170 or toll-free at 888.518.7888.