[From a transcription of a newspaper article found in the files of Millie Schembechler's Football Centennial Committee in the Bentley's Athletic Department records.]



The announcement that these teams on Friday afternoon, Memorial Day, would give an exhibition of muscle, activity and skill after the custom of England's schools, drew quite an audience to the Chicago baseball grounds.

The friends of either of institution and many alumni were on hand to applaud the good plays and to encourage the Purple Stockings of Racine and stimulate the Blue of Ann Arbor. Ernest Smith and Mr. Prussing were lustily crying "Ran Ran Michigan", but the Racine team was evidently more favored for in the grand stand lustily applauding every stratagem shown by our own boys were Arthur Ryerson, Julian Ramsey, Clifford Johnston, Gilbert McClurg, Malcolm McDowell, Harry Ashley and several other old Racine boys, with many students who came down with the club to help them win the game.

Wallace Rice, now at Harvard, but who formerly was at our Grammar School, was chosen as umpire by A. DuPont Parker, the active captain of the Purple Hosed team, his men coming on the field at 3:45 p.m. were lustily cheered as they took their respective positions.

Rushers or Forwards - The Captain Mr. Parker and Billings, Martin Cleveland, Rogers and Torbert. Backs - Roberts, Ormsby and Greene. Goal Keepers - Fulforth and Johnston.

The Ann Arbor Club won the choice of positions, and led by their practical captain, Mr. DeTarr, showed ready for the contest.

Rushers - DeTarr, Chase, Pond, Green, Hannan, and Read. Backs - DePuy, Campbell and Edwards. Goal Keepers - Mitchell and Barmore.

Our club won the first "Kick-off" and Mr. Parker sent the leather covered oval high in the air and far over the field. There was a burst of applause from the grand stand which stilled as Campbell of Michigan caught the ball and at high speed rushed it toward Racine's goal. From this time on our boys had the worst of it, the ball was constantly near their goal, and they were forced to make "touch down" near their goal in the first three quarters.

The game was quite fierce at times. A Michigander would run with the ball, Fred Martin would start after him, followed by a dozen others. Fred would jump for the blue stocking soon as in reach and they would roll together to the ground, immediately ten others would fall on them and this living pyramid would turn and pull and kick and strain for the coveted ball. Then someone would cry out as hurt, there was a rush for the water pail and it would appear that Torbert has lost his breath, Fred martin had the nose bleed, or Parker's ankle was sprained. But youth and nerve almost assured an accident and happily most of the bruises were trivial. After playing without either side winning a goal in forty-five minutes, a rest was taken for a quarter of an hour and them at it again.

In the second struggle the goals were reversed, and the tactics were employed as before, the Ann Arbor Club on the offensive and our boys simply endeavored to defend their goal. Mr. Chase made an excellent catch from Racine kick, placed the ball directly in front of the Purple's goal and Mr. DeTarr kicked the oval ball high and clear over our goal just as time was called. This ended the game in favor of Michigan and after mild congratulations and cheers, the field was again desolated. Our boys showed sadly deficient in playing together, that is they did not understand how to pass the ball from one to another and this one thing was what gave the game to Ann Arbor.

Perfect harmony characterized the Michigan boy's playing, when one of them caught the ball he instantly passed it to a colleague nearer the enemy's goal and they were only discomfited when they practiced Racine's attempt to run the with the ball dodging others. This is almost impossible amongst so many opponents, and not nearly so safe as passing the ball. However the Clubs were very nearly matched as shown by the score, one goal for two hours and we earnestly hope to see another contest very soon between the same Clubs.