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Michigan in the Civil War

Browse by Battle: Nashville, Tenn.

Barker, Lorenzo A., b. 1839.
Butler, Charles.
Dean, Henry Stewart, 1830-1915
Garrison, Wright H., 1839-
Hall, Morris Stuart, 1839-1913.
Hempstead, Henry Mortimer, 1832-1916.
Hulbert, Rosanna Covey.
McCumsey, Thomas C., b. 1841 or 1842.
Neer, Henry, 1836-1865.
Russell, Eli, 1834-1865.
Sligh family
Spaulding, Oliver Lyman, 1833-1922
Williams, Thomas H., 1844-1911.
Woodruff, Charles, 1843-1868.
Woodruff, D. O. (David Oliphant)