Michigan in the Civil War: Other Civil War-era collections

From Vertical File, Republican Party
The following is a listing of Michigan Historical Collections manuscript collections that include materials from the era of the Civil War but do not document war-related activities in an obvious way. The collections may include references to the war.
- Adams, Charles. Charles Adams account books, 1863-1890.
- Adams, Ephraim, 1818-1907. Ephraim Adams papers, 1847-1905. Adams, Henry Carter, 1851-1921. Henry Carter Adams papers, 1864-1924.
- Adams, Peter R., 1805-1883. Peter R. Adams papers, 1826-1883.
- Adrian College (Adrian, Mich.) Adrian College minutes, 1863.
- Adrian Monthly Meeting (Mich.) Adrian Monthly Meeting records, 1831-1881.
- Adrian Public Library (Mich.) Adrian Public Library printed material, 1852-1962.
- Alexander, Hugh Byron, 1847-1930. Hugh Byron Alexander correspondence, 1865-1868.
- Allen family. Allen family (Ann Arbor, Mich.) papers, 1824-1867.
- Allen, Jonathan Adams, 1825-1890. Jonathan Adams Allen papers, 1847-1890 (scattered dates).
- Allen, Silas. Silas Allen papers, 1852-1901.
- Allmendinger, Henry A., 1846-1906. Henry A. Allmendinger diaries, 1865-1866, 1872-1876, 1884.
- Allured family. Allured family papers, 1832-1935.
- Alpha Nu Literary Society (University of Michigan) Alpha Nu Literary Society (University of Michigan) records, 1843-1931.
- Anderson, Oscar A., collector. Oscar A. Anderson records, 1835-1868.
- Andre, P. C. (Peter Charles), 1818-1903. P. C. Andre papers, 1864-1901.
- Andrews family. Andrews family papers, 1835-1915 (scattered dates).
- Angell, James Burrill, 1829-1916. James Burrill Angell papers, 1845-1916.
- Angell, Sarah Caswell, 1831-1903. Sarah Caswell Angell papers, 1850-1903.
- Ann Arbor (Mich.) Ann Arbor (Mich.) records, 1830-1951.
- Ann Arbor (Mich.). Fire Dept. Ann Arbor Fire Department records, 1850-1962.
- Ann Arbor Public Schools. Ann Arbor Public Schools records, 1838-1976.
- Anonymous account book, 1831-1888.
- Anonymous account book, 1862-1864.
- Anonymous diary-narrative, 1864.
- Anonymous Jackson, Michigan, credit rating book, 1861-1862.
- Anonymous letter, April 19, 1863.
- Anonymous letter, November 14,1863.
- Anonymous Northville, Michigan, daybooks, 1850-1866.
- Anonymous student notebook, 1854-1867.
- Anonymous student notebook, 1864-1865.
- Anti-Thief and Protection Company (Flushing, Mich.) Anti-Thief and Protection Company record book, 1864-1886.
- Appleton, Edward Everett. Edward Everett Appleton papers, 1864 and 1866.
- Armstrong, D. W. D. W. Armstrong account book, 1852-1865 [microform]
- Armstrong, D. W. D. W. Armstrong account book, 1852-1865.
- Armstrong, Solomon, 1821-1897. Solomon Armstrong papers, 1823-1885.
- Avery, Newell, 1817-1877. Newell Avery correspondence, 1865.
- Bach family. Bach family papers, 1862-1943.
- Bagley, David M. (David Marion), d. 1876. David M. Bagley papers, 1846-1922.
- Bagley, John Judson, 1832-1881. John Judson Bagley papers, 1853-1891.
- Bailey, Jonathan. Jonathan Bailey papers, 1851-1880.
- Baker, Elisha. Elisha Baker account book, 1865-1866.
- Baker, John R. (John Randolph) John R. Baker papers, 1836-1867 and 1915.
- Balch, Nathaniel A. (Nathaniel Aldrich), 1808-1894. Nathaniel A. Balch papers, 1797-1884.
- Balch, Walter Omar, 1843-1876. Walter Omar Balch papers, 1864-1866.
- Ball family. Ball family papers, 1844-1868 (scattered)
- Ball, William, b. 1830. William Ball addresses, 1854-1900.
- Ballard, Arden H. Arden H. Ballard papers, 1830-1865.
- Bank of Washtenaw. Bank of Washtenaw records, 1836-1839 and 1851-1875.
- Baptist Church (Chelsea, Mich.) Baptist Church records, 1833-1932.
- Baptist Church (Galesburg, Mich.) Baptist Church (Galesburg, Mich,) records, 1849-1893.
- Baptist Church (Milford, Mich.) Baptist Church (Milford, Mich.) records, 1844-1892.
- Barbeau, Peter. Peter Barbeau papers, 1789-1909.
- Barbour, Levi L. (Levi Lewis), 1840-1925. Levi L. Barbour papers, 1857-1926.
- Barlow, Leicester. Leicester Barlow account book, 1837-1862.
- Barney, George Lawrence, d. 1873. George Lawrence Barney letter, October 5, 1862.
- Barrett, Joseph M., b. 1820. Joseph M. Barrett papers, 1850-1862.
- Bayliss Public Library (Sault Sainte Marie, Mich.) Sault Sainte Marie collection, ca. 1802-1930.
- Beach family. Beach family papers, 1830-1954.
- Beach, Walter Phelps. Walter Phelps Beach papers, 1849-1892.
- Beckwith, Cyrus W. Cyrus W. Beckwith account book, 1825-1872.
- Beekman, John H. John H. Beekman papers, 1846-1886.
- Beets, Henry, 1869-1947. The Hollanders in the U. S., 1846-1933.
- Bell family. Bell family (Oxford, Mich.) papers, 1853-1894 and undated.
- Belser, Hermann Frederick, 1829-1900. Hermann Frederick Belser papers, 1847-1928.
- Beman, Wooster Woodruff, 1850-1922. Wooster Woodruff Beman papers, 1865-1938.
- Beta Theta Pi. Lambda Chapter (University of Michigan) Beta Theta Pi, Lambda Chapter (University of Michigan) records, 1845-1931.
- Bethel United Church of Christ (Freedom, Mich.) Bethel United Church of Christ records, ca. 1848-1916, 1943, and 1990.
- Bethlehem United Church of Christ (Ann Arbor, Mich.) Bethlehem United Church of Christ records, 1833-1980.
- Birch Lake Monthly Meeting (Mich.) Birch Lake Monthly Meeting records, [ca. 1841-ca. 1914].
- Bird family. Bird family papers, 1835-1914.
- Birkett, Thomas. Thomas Birkett papers, 1853-1913.
- Birney family. Birney-McClear-Hankerd family papers, 1835-1953.
- Bisbee, Charles G. Charles G. Bisbee letter, 1863.
- Blaich family. Blaich family papers, 1853-1921.
- Blaich, George. George Blaich papers, 1865-1934.
- Blanchard family. Blanchard family papers, ca.1850-ca.1950.
- Bohr Lumber and Grain Mill (Westphalia, Mich.) Bohr Lumber and Grain Mill business records, 1850-1866.
- Boise, James Robinson, 1815-1895. James Robinson Boise papers, 1850-1888.
- Borden and Brown General Store (South Lyon, Mich.) Borden and Brown General Store business records, 1835-1875.
- Boylan, Moses M. Moses M. Boylan papers, 1831-1868.
- Brewer General Store (Marshall, Mich.) Brewer General Store records, 1836-1927.
- Brockway, Daniel D., 1815-1899. Daniel D. Brockway papers, 1857-1923.
- Bromage, Mary Cogan. Mary C. Bromage papers, 1862-1994 (bulk 1923-1980).
- Bronson, Arthur. Arthur Bronson papers, 1833-1865.
- Brooks, Will E. Will E. Brooks diary, 1859-1870.
- Brown family. Stephen F. Brown family papers, 1832-1884.
- Brown, William P., 1814-1890. William P. Brown papers, 1852-1914.
- Brownell, Nathan. Nathan Brownell papers, 1851-1867.
- Bunker Hill (Mich. : Township) Bunker Hill records, 1837-1906.
- Burnham, Bert W. Bert W. Burnham papers, 1849-1922.
- Burrows, Frances S. Peck. Frances S. Peck Burrows diaries, 1860 and 1867.
- Burton, Caswell Riddles, d. 1862. Caswell Riddles Burton papers, 1858-1861.
- Bury family. Bury family papers, 1831-1931.
- Butler, Orma Fitch. Orma Fitch Butler papers, 1843-1936.
- Butterfield, Ira William, 1915- collector. Ira W. Butterfield collection, ca. 1855-1988 (scattered dates).
- C. H. Millen & Harlow Wagon Shop (Ann Arbor, Mich.) C. H. Millen & Harlow Wagon Shop records, 1853-1875.
- Caledonia (Shiawassee County, Mich. : Township). School District No. 1. Caledonia school records, 1859-1866.
- Campau family. Campau family papers, 1794-1878.
- Campbell family. Campbell family (Augusta, Mich.) papers, 1825-1879.
- Campfield, John Alexander, d. 1865. John Alexander Campfield student notebook, 1860-1861.
- Candler family. Candler family papers, 1794-1864.
- Carman, George N., 1856-1941. George N. Carman papers, 1839-1941.
- Carmer, Jacob V., b. 1802. Jacob V. Carmer daybook, 1850-1882.
- Carpenter, Charles A., 1813-1887. Charles A. Carpenter account book, 1846-1882.
- Carpenter, Daniel. Daniel Carpenter papers, 1857-1884.
- Case, William L., 1856-1933. William L. Case papers, 1860-1937.
- Chamberlain and McKie General Store (Three Oaks, Mich.) Chamberlain and McKie General Store daybooks, 1864-1865 and 1869-1870.
- Chapin, Charles A. (Charles Augustus) Charles A. Chapin scrapbook, ca. 1840-1903.
- Chapin, Lucy E., 1834-1910. Lucy E. Chapin papers, 1834-1910.
- Chapin, Volney. Volney Chapin scrapbook, ca. 1835-1868.
- Charles B. Mears Lumber Company (Ludington, Mich.) Charles B. Mears Lumber Company papers, 1837-1895.
- Cheever, Byron William, 1841-1888. Byron William Cheever papers, 1864-1871 (bulk 1864-1865).
- Cheever, Noah W. (Noah Wood), 1839-1905. Noah W. Cheever papers, 1858-1905.
- Christ Episcopal Church (Owosso, Mich.) Christ Episcopal Church records, 1858-1968.
- Christian Reformed Church (Graafschap, Mich.) Christian Reformed Church records, 1857-1879.
- Church of the Holy Name (Assinins, Mich.) Church of the Holy Name records, 1843-1896.
- Clark family. Clarke family papers, 1830-1919.
- Clark, George W. George W. Clark scrapbook, 1839-1887.
- Clark, George. George Clark account book, 1815-1867.
- Clark, Mary H., d. 1875. Mary H. Clark papers, 1848-1861.
- Clarke, John H., collector. John H. Clarke papers, 1842-1990 (scattered dates).
- Coe and Parkhurst (Coldwater, Mich.) Coe and Parkhurst business records, 1852-1861.
- Cog-gog-e-was. Cog-gog-e-was land patents, 1863-1870.
- Cohoctah (Mich. : Township) Cohoctah Township records, 1838-1900.
- Coldwater (Mich.) Coldwater records, 1845 and 1861-1918.
- Cole, Edward Nicholas, 1909-1977. Edward Nicholas Cole papers, 1829-1986.
- Cole, Martha, 1831-1901. Martha Cole papers, 1837-1910.
- Collins, Judson Dwight, 1823-1852. Judson Dwight Collins papers, 1845-1852.
- Colt, George, 1848-1878. George Colt papers, 1864-1877.
- Connor, Michael. Michael Connor correspondence, 1837-1893.
- Convis, Orville P., collector. Orville P. Convis records, ca. 1855-ca. 1915.
- Cooley, Eugene, 1849-1937. Eugene Cooley papers, 1865-1912.
- Cooley, Lyman Edgar, 1850-1917. Lyman Edgar Cooley papers, 1865-1917.
- Cooley, Thomas McIntyre, 1824-1898. Thomas McIntyre Cooley papers, 1850-1898.
- Cooper, David M. (David Mack), 1827-1908 David Mack Cooper papers, [ca. 1812]-[ca. 1908].
- Copley family. Copley family papers, 1814-1968 (bulk 1814-1881).
- Cornelius family. Cornelius family papers, 1812-1939.
- Corunna (Mich.) Corunna records, 1836-1875.
- Cowell, Robert B. Robert B. Cowell account book, 1850-1863.
- Cressy, Alonzo. Alonzo Cressy account books, 1840-1890.
- Crittenden family. Crittenden family papers, 1836-1945.
- Cronin, Henry M., 1836-1890. Henry M. Cronin diary, 1851-1889 [microform].
- Cronin, Henry M., 1836-1890. Henry M. Cronin diary, 1851-1889.
- Croswell, Charles Miller, 1825-1886. Charles M. Croswell papers, 1851-1884.
- Cummings family. Cummings family letters, 1836-1866 (scattered dates).
- Davis, Mary P. Mary P. Davis letters, 1861 and 1864.
- Davison, Ebenezer, d. 1885. Ebenezer Davison account book, 1839-1870.
- Dawson, Jeannette M., d. 1883. Jeannette M. Dawson papers, 1864-1866.
- Day, Agnes. Agnes Day papers, 1860-1929.
- Day, Harvey S. Harvey S. Day papers, 1831-1935.
- Delta Kappa Epsilon. Omicron Chapter (University of Michigan) Delta Kappa Espilon, Omicron Chapter (University of Michigan) records, 1855-1927.
- Deming, David E., 1796-1879. David E. Deming reminiscences, undated.
- Den Bleyker family. Den Bleyker family papers, 1828-1936.
- Denison family. Denison family papers, 1848-1907.
- Denison, Charles Halbert, 1833-1911. Charles Halbert Denison student notebook, ca. 1860.
- DePuy family. DePuy family papers, 1848-1909.
- Detroit Post and Tribune Company. Detroit Post and Tribune Company records, 1861-1886.
- Dewing, William M., 1839-1906. William M. Dewing diary, 1858-1864.
- DeWolf, Elizabeth, 1848-1933. Elizabeth DeWolf papers, 1865 and 1891-1932.
- Dexter Cemetery Corporation (Mich.) Dexter Cemetery Corporation records, 1842-1975.
- Dickinson Institute (Romeo, Mich.) Dickinson Institute papers, 1855-1868.
- Dickinson, Monroe. Monroe Dickinson papers, 1839-1895.
- Diekhoff, Tobias Johann Casjen, 1867- Tobias Johann Casjen Diekhoff papers, 1853-1931.
- Dietrich, Kate K. Kate K. Dietrich letter, October 9, 1865.
- Dobson, Lorenzo. Lorenzo Dobson letters, 1862-1863.
- Dodge, Caroline Wilgus, collector. Caroline Wilgus Dodge papers, 1859-1868 and 1959.
- Donnelly, John. John Donnelly papers, 1864-1889.
- D'Ooge, Martin Luther, 1839-1915. Martin Luther D'Ooge papers, 1862-1915 (scattered dates).
- Dorsch, Eduard, 1822-1887. Edward Dorsch papers, 1852-1914.
- Dougherty, Peter, 1805-1894. Peter Dougherty papers, 1838-1870.
- Douglas family. Douglass family (Detroit and Ann Arbor, Mich.) papers, 1812-1911.
- Douglass House (Houghton, Mich.) Douglass House guest register, May 1861-November 1865.
- Douglass, Esther W. Esther W. Douglass papers, 1864-1914.
- DuBois, Alfred, 1824-1909. Alfred DuBois papers, 1850-1906.
- Dubuar, James, 1813-1886. James Dubuar papers, 1834-1886.
- Duffield family. Duffield family papers, 1839-1884.
- Duffield, Samuel Pearce, b. 1833. Samuel P. Duffield papers, 1865-1895.
- Dunbar family. Dunbar family papers, 1837-1863.
- Dunshee, Mariah, b. 1814. Mariah Dunshee journal, 1853-1881 (scattered dates).
- Durand, George Harmon, 1838-1903. George Harmon Durand papers, 1862-1912.
- Durkee, Henry Rogers, 1848-1916. Henry R. Durkee papers, 1864-1867.
- E. A. Densmore General Store. E. A. Densmore General Store records, 1857-1953.
- Eckford Presbyterian Church (Mich.) Eckford Presbyterian Church records, 1839-1921.
- Edmunds, J. M. (James Madison), 1810-1879 James M. Edmunds correspondence, 1861-1866.
- Edsell, Wilson C. (Wilson Canfield), 1814-1900. Wilson C. Edsell papers, [ca. 1831]-[ca. 1900].
- Eldridge family Eldred family papers, 1831-1900 (scattered dates).
- Emery family. Emery family papers, 1837-1864.
- English, Albert D., 1862- Albert D. English papers, 1839-1957.
- Episcopal Church. Diocese of Michigan. Episcopal Church, Diocese of Michigan records, 1830-1993.
- Erie and Kalamazoo Railroad. Erie and Kalamazoo Railroad records, 1834-1968.
- Estabrook, John S., b. 1826. John S. Estabrook letter, 1862.
- Evans, E. P. (Edward Payson), 1831-1917. E. P. Evans papers, 1865-1917.
- Fairbanks Scale Company. Fairbanks Scale Company correspondence, 1835-1864.
- Fargo and Brown General Store (Tecumseh, Mich.) Fargo and Brown General Store business records, 1835-1838.
- Fargo, William G., 1867-1957. William G. Fargo papers, 1829-1957 (scattered dates).
- Farley, Albert William, d. 1887. Albert William Farley diary, 1864-1865.
- Farmington Presbyterian Church (Mich.) Farmington Presbyterian Church minutes, 1855-1892.
- Farrar family. Farrar family papers, 1817-1886.
- Fay, Minnie C. M., collector. Minnie C. M. Fay papers, ca. 1850-1935.
- Fenton (Mich.) Fenton (Mich.) records, 1839-1864.
- Field family. Field family papers, 1836-1940.
- Finley, William, 1810-1858. William Finley record book, 1849-1873.
- Finney, Byron Alfred, 1849-1938. Byron A. Finney papers, 1845-1935.
- Fire abstract underwriters' agency, 1865-1868.
- First Baptist Church (Ann Arbor, Mich.) First Baptist Church records, 1837-[ongoing].
- First Baptist Church (Manchester, Mich.) First Baptist Church records, 1841-1917.
- First Baptist Church (Saline, Mich.) First Baptist Church records, 1830-1920 and 1956.
- First Congregational Church (Ann Arbor, Mich.) First Congregational Church records, 1847-1984.
- First Congregational Church (Chelsea, Mich.) First Congregational Church records, 1849-1949.
- First Congregational Church (Clinton, Mich.) First Congregational Church records, 1833-1960.
- First Congregational Church (Morenci, Mich.) First Congregational Church records, 1858-1971.
- First Congregational Church (Pinckney, Mich.) First Congregational Church records, 1840-1924.
- First Congregational Church (Pontiac, Mich.) First Congregational Church records, 1832-1941.
- First Methodist Protestant Church (Livonia, Mich.) First Methodist Protestant Church classbook, 1855-1865.
- First Presbyterian Church (Albion, Calhoun County, Mich.) First Presbyterian Church records, 1839-1957.
- First Presbyterian Church (Birmingham, Mich.) First Presbyterian Church records, 1834-1985.
- First Presbyterian Church (Blissfield, Mich.) First Presbyterian Church records, 1845-1985.
- First Presbyterian Church (Buchanan, Mich.) First Presbyterian Church records, 1847-1925.
- First Presbyterian Church (Corunna, Mich.) First Presbyterian Church records, 1844-1909.
- First Presbyterian Church (Dearborn, Mich.) First Presbyterian Church records, 1834-1881.
- First Presbyterian Church (Deerfield, Mich.) First Presbyterian Church records, 1853-1934.
- First Presbyterian Church (Detroit, Mich.) First Presbyterian Church records, 1817-1933.
- First Presbyterian Church (Independence, Mich.) First Presbyterian Church records, 1846-1923.
- First Presbyterian Church (Jonesville, Mich.) First Presbyterian Church records, 1836-1936.
- First Presbyterian Church (Northville, Mich.) First Presbyterian Church records, 1842-1899.
- First Presbyterian Church (Pewamo, Mich.) First Presbyterian Church records, 1865-1882.
- First Presbyterian Church (Pontiac, Mich.) First Presbyterian Church records, 1833-1986.
- First Presbyterian Church (Saline, Mich.) First Presbyterian Church records, 1831-1985.
- First Presbyterian Church (South Lyon, Mich.) First Presbyterian Church of South Lyon, church register, 1858-1920 [microform].
- First Presbyterian Church (Southfield, Mich.) First Presbyterian Church minutes, 1836-1929.
- First Presbyterian Church (Tecumseh, Mich.) First Presbyterian Church records, 1828-1869.
- First Unitarian Universalist Church (Ann Arbor, Mich.) First Unitarian Universalist Church records, 1865-1997.
- First United Methodist Church of Ann Arbor (Ann Arbor, Mich.) First United Methodist Church of Ann Arbor records, 1833-1988.
- First United Methodist Church of Ypsilanti (Ypsilanti, Mich.) First United Methodist Church of Ypsilanti records, 1847-1992.
- First United Presbyterian Church (Ypsilanti, Mich.) First United Presbyterian Church records, 1829-1975.
- Fish and Fish Grocery Store (Saginaw, Mich.) Fish and Fish Grocery Store business records, 1865-1876.
- Fitch, George A., d. 1881. George A. Fitch papers, 1865-1867 and 1881.
- Fletcher family. Fletcher family business records, 1856-1936.
- Flint (Mich.) Flint records, 1837-1912.
- Flint Woolen Mills (Mich.) Flint Woolen Mills records, 1851-1910.
- Fogg family. Fogg family papers, 1843, 1848, 1861 and 1868.
- Forbes, Levi L. Levi L. Forbes account book, 1865-1882.
- Forster, John Harris, 1822-1894. John H. Forster papers, 1835-1891.
- Fort Mackinac (Mackinac Island, Mich.) Fort Mackinac letterbook, 1855-1866.
- Foster, Theodore, 1812-1865. Theodore Foster papers, 1835-1862.
- Fountain Street Baptist Church (Grand Rapids, Mich.) Fountain Street Baptist Church records, 1856-1978.
- Franklin Avenue Presbyterian Church (Lansing, Mich.) Franklin Avenue Presbyterian Church records, 1863-1909 and 1933.
- Fraser, James. James Fraser letters, 1841-1861.
- Free Will Baptist Church (Sparta (Kent County, Mich.)) Free Will Baptist Church records, 1847-1864.
- Freemasons. Lexington Lodge No. 61 (Lexington, Mich.). Free and Accepted Masons, Lexington Lodge minutes, 1852-1863.
- Freemasons. Morenci Lodge No. 95 (Morenci, Mich.) Free and Accepted Masons, Morenci Lodge No. 95 ledger, 1864-1872.
- French, George Jay, 1847-1928. George J. French diaries, 1863-1872.
- Frieze, Henry S. (Henry Simmons), 1817-1889. Henry S. Frieze papers, 1835-1920.
- Gage family. Gage family papers, 1837-1865 and 1980s.
- Gale, Edward. Edward Gale letter, July 9, 1861.
- Gales family. Gale family papers, 1836-1877.
- Gall, John N. John N. Gall account book, 1857-1867.
- Garden City Historical Commission (Mich.), collector. Garden City Historical Commission papers, 1834-1907 (scattered dates).
- Garden City Presbyterian Church (Garden City, Mich.) Garden City Presbyterian Church records, 1840-1966.
- Gardner, Nannette Brown Ellingwood, 1828-1900. Nannette B. E. Gardner papers, 1871-1893.
- Gaskill, Silas B., b. 1828. Silas B. Gaskill papers, 1833-1839 and 1864-1877.
- Gates, John R. John R. Gates papers, 1860-1873.
- Geer, Harrison, b. 1843. Harrison Geer papers, 1865-1895.
- Gelston family. Gelston family papers, 1847-1917.
- German Christian Agricultural and Benevolent Society of Ora Labora. German Christian Agricultural and Benevolent Society of Ora Labora records, 1862-1895.
- German Christian Agricultural and Benevolent Society of Ora Labora. German Christian Agricultural and Benevolent Society of Ora Labora records, 1862-1894 [microform].
- Gidley, Edwin Brewster, 1824-1896. Edwin Brewster Gidley papers, 1851-1895.
- Gilbert, Edwin H. Edwin H. Gilbert papers, 1862-1865 [microform]
- Gildart family. Gildart family letters, [185-]-[194-].
- Goldman, Edwin Franko, 1878-1956. Edwin Franko Goldman autograph collection, 1823-1954.
- Goodale, Warner Wright. Warner W. Goodale papers, 1839-1883.
- Goodrich, Chauncey S., 1787-1860. Chauncey S. Goodrich papers, 1831-1909.
- Goodrich, Enos, 1813-1897. Enos Goodrich papers, 1844-1877.
- Goodrich, Moses, 1802-1887. Moses Goodrich papers, 1865-1896.
- Goodrich, Osman D. Osman D. Goodrich papers, 1835-1883.
- Goodwin, Ernestine Eleanor, collector. Ernestine Eleanor Goodwin letters, 1839 and 1861.
- Gordon, James Wright, 1809-1853. James Wright Gordon papers, 1794-1862.
- Grace Episcopal Church (Jonesville, Mich.) Grace Episcopal Church records, 1839-1926 and 1947-1992.
- Grand Blanc (Mich. : Township). School District No. 5. Grand Blanc School District No. 5 records, 1835-1884.
- Grandville-Jenison Congregational Church (Grandville, Mich.) Grandville-Jenison Congregational Church records, 1838-1936.
- Graves, Benjamin Franklin, b. 1817. Benjamin F. Graves papers, 1815-1949.
- Gray, Eugene. Eugene Gray account book, [ca. 1865]-[ca. 1895].
- Gray, Gordon Young, 1840-1920. Gordon Young Gray student notebook, 1863-1864.
- Green family. Green family papers, 1833-1841, 1845-1855, 1864, 1950, and 1988.
- Greenly, William L., 1813-1883. William L. Greenly docket book, 1859-1865.
- Gregg, Phineas, b. 1800. Phineas Gregg papers, 1849-1882.
- Gridley family. Gridley family papers, 1837-1939.
- Hadley Vigilance Society (Mich.) Hadley Vigilance Society records, 1859-1918.
- Haines, Levi. Levi Haines certificate, 1863.
- Hall family. Hall family papers, 1852-1903 and 1940s.
- Hampton, Oliver, 1807-1860. Oliver Hampton papers, 1827-1891.
- Hannah and Lay Company (Traverse City, Mich.) Hannah and Lay Company records, 1846-1931.
- Harlow family. Harlow family papers, 1836-1950.
- Harry Griswold and Company General Store (Lapeer, Mich.). Harry Griswold and Company General Store daybooks, 1859-1862.
- Hart family. Hart family papers, 1858-1892.
- Hastings ( Mich. : Township) Hastings Township records, 1842-1864.
- Hatcher, Harlan Henthorne, 1898- Harlan Henthorne Hatcher papers, 1837-1998 (bulk 1891-1986)
- Haven, E. O. (Erastus Otis), 1820-1881. E. O. Haven papers, 1838-1873.
- Hawley family. Hawley family papers, 1834-1875.
- Hayden, Joseph Ralston, 1887-1945. Joseph Ralston Hayden papers, 1854-1948.
- Haydon, Arthur W., 1844-1918. Arthur W. Haydon diaries, 1865-1879 and 1888-1915.
- Hayes, William Mordecai, 1840-1915. William Mordecai Hayes papers, 1862-1864.
- Haze, Charles W., b. 1820. Charles W. Haze papers, 1849-1938.
- Hearding, William Hellins. W. H. Hearding journal, 1849-1872.
- Helme, James W., 1860-1938. James W. Helme papers, 1844-1938.
- Henry B. Joy Historical Research (Organization) Henry B. Joy Historical Research records, ca. 1812-1937.
- Hessenmueller, Edwin Louis, d. 1916. Edwin Louis Hessenmueller papers, 1865 and 1868.
- Hickey family. Hickey family papers, 1818-1875.
- Hickey, George S., 1840-1928. George S. Hickey student notebook, 1865-1866.
- Hicks, Evangeline Parker, collector. Evangeline Parker Hicks papers, ca. 1830-ca. 1900.
- Hicks, Henry W., b. 1837. Henry W. Hicks papers, 1859-1865.
- Highland (Oakland County, Mich. : Township) Highland Township records, 1851-1863 and 1890.
- Highland Cemetery Association. Highland Cemetery Association records, 1863-1963.
- Hill, George D., 1820-1881. George D. Hill papers, 1843-1866 and 1870-1876.
- Hills, Eliphalet. Eliphalet Hills letters, 1861-1862.
- Hinchman, John Marshall, 1845-1912. John Marshall Hinchman letters, 1861-1864.
- Hinsdale family. Hinsdale family papers, 1857-1963.
- Hobart family. Hobart family letters, 1849-1893 (scattered dates).
- Hollister, Richard Dennis Teall, 1878- Richard D. T. Hollister papers, 1846-1960.
- Holy Cross Church (Cross Village, Mich.) Holy Cross Church records, 1847-1930.
- Hooker family. Hooker family papers, 1838-1938.
- Hosmer, Alma Tuttle. Alma Tuttle Hosmer diary, 1865.
- Hotchkiss, George W., 1831-1926. George W. Hotchkiss papers, 1857-1927 and undated.
- Houghton, Jacob, 1827-1903. Jacob Houghton papers, 1845-1907.
- Hovey family. Hovey family papers, 1833-1889.
- Howard, William Alanson, 1813-1880. William Alanson Howard papers, 1856-1880 and 1895.
- Howland, Charles E. Charles E. Howland papers, 1848-1868.
- Hubbard, Bela, 1814-1896. Bela Hubbard papers, 1837-1893.
- Hubbard, Henry Hudson, 1835-1900. Henry Hudson Hubbard papers, 1860s.
- Hubbell family. Hubbell family papers, 1859-1983.
- Hulbert, H. B. H. B. Hulbert diary and account books, 1863-1869.
- Huston, Wilson B., 1828-1863. Wilson B. Huston letter, October 15, 1862.
- Hutchins family. Hutchins family papers, 1837-1951.
- Hutchison, Henry. Henry Hutchison papers, 1821-1885.
- Ingham County (Mich.) Ingham County papers, 1857 and 1864.
- International Order of Cadets of Honor and Temperance. Hillsdale (Mich.) International Order of Cadets of Honor and Temperance, Hillsdale minutes, 1861-1864.
- International Order of Good Templars. International Order of Good Templars records, 1855-1970.
- Iosco (Mich. : Township) Iosco Township school records, 1851-1903.
- Jackson Association of Congregational Christian Churches (Mich.) Jackson Association of Congregational Christian Churches papers, 1842-1965.
- Jackson County (Mich.) Jackson County records, 1840 and 1851-1895.
- James, Lewis Whitney, d. 1910. Lewis Whitney James papers, 1854-1884.
- Jeffersonian Society (University of Michigan) Jeffersonian Society (University of Michigan) record books, 1864-1915.
- Johnson, Francis Marion. Francis Marion Johnson student notebooks, 1862-1864.
- Johnson, Horace. Horace Johnson papers, 1864-1878.
- Johnson, Lothrop. Lothrup Johnson account book, 1859-1864.
- Johnston family. Johnston family papers, 1822-1936.
- Jones family. Jones family papers, 1860-1950.
- Jones, Lucian H. Lucian H. Jones papers, 1836-1863.
- Jones, Oscar. Oscar Jones papers, 1825-1870.
- Jones, Samuel B. Samuel B. Jones papers, 1845-1867.
- Kellogg, Dan W., 1812-1885. Dan W. Kellogg papers, 1820-1862.
- Kempf, Edith Staebler, collector. Edith Staebler Kempf papers, 1857-1970s.
- Kenney family. Kenny family papers, [ca. 1828-ca. 1943].
- Kibbie, H. C. (Hamilton Carlos), d. 1918. H. C. Kibbie letter, November 1, 1863.
- Kiefer, Hermann, 1825-1911. Hermann Kiefer papers, 1838-1911.
- Kilpatrick, William Marvin, d. 1919. William Marvin Kilpatric student notebooks, 1864-1866.
- Kimball family. Kimball family papers, 1789-1864.
- Knickerbacker, Chancy W., 1824-1884. Chancy W. Knickerbacker papers, 1846-1881.
- Knight, Harry G., collector. Harry G. Knight papers, ca. 1863-1941.
- Knight, Hattie. Hattie Knight letter, 1864.
- Kooker, Arthur R. (Arthur Raymond), 1907-1978, collector. Arthur R. Kooker papers, 1850-1882.
- L. G. Bates General Store (Elsie, Mich.). L.G. Bates General Store records, 1857-1920.
- Lameli family. Lameli family papers, 1862-1895 and undated.
- Landreth, James, 1823-1894. James Landreth papers, 1848-1976 (scattered dates)
- Lapeer County Agricultural Society. Lapeer County Agricultural Society treasurer's reports, 1858-1874.
- Lapham and Lapham General Store (Northville, Mich.) Lapham and Lapham General Store records, 1852-1882.
- Larned, Sylvester, 1796-1820. Sylvester Larned letter, March 18, 1861.
- Lawrence, Esther Evoline Copley, 1824-1904. Esther E. C. Lawrence diaries, 1833, 1851-1903.
- Lenawee County (Mich.) Lenawee County records, 1827-1871.
- Lewis, Adelaide Cloyes, 1868-1958. Adelaide Cloyes Lewis papers, 1834-1958 (bulk 1870-1904).
- Lewis, James H. James H. Lewis letter, 1864.
- Lexington General Store (Lexington, Mich.). Lexington General Store records, 1851-1906.
- Lima (Mich. : Township) Lima Township records, 1836-1961.
- Lima Congregational Church (Lima, Mich.) Lima Congregational Church records, 1830-1875.
- Liskow family. Liskow family papers, 1851-1894 and undated.
- Liskow, Johann Gottlieb, 1814-1895. Johann G. Liskow journal, 1851-1882 [microform].
- List, John Adam. John Adam List papers, 1848-1872.
- Literary Adelphi (University of Michigan) Literary Adelphi (University of Michigan) records, 1857-1939.
- Littlejohn, Flavius J. (Flavius Josephus), 1804-1880. Flavius J. Littlejohn papers, [ca. 1862-ca. 1875].
- Livingstone, William, 1844-1925. William Livingstone, Jr. papers, 1850-1995 (bulk 1865-1925).
- Loesel, Lorenz. Lorenz Loesel papers, 1830-1911.
- Look family. Look family papers, 1851-1903.
- Loranger family. L'Oranger family papers, 1813-1863.
- Louis Sands Salt and Lumber Company (Manistee, Mich.) Louis Sands Salt and Lumber Company records, 1863-1932.
- Lovell family. Lovell family papers, 1834-1952.
- Lovell, Edward Coultas, 1842-1902. Edward Coultas Lovell student notebooks, 1860 and 1868-1869.
- Lucas, Henry Stephen, 1889-1961. Henry Stephen Lucas papers, 1846-1930.
- Ludwig family. Ludwig family papers, 1838-1985.
- Lyman, Pliny S., d. 1868. Pliny S. Lyman papers, 1859-1909.
- Lyons family. Lyon family papers, 1826-1940.
- Lyster, William Narcissus. William N. Lyster papers, 1839-1861.
- Mack & Company (Ann Arbor, Mich.) Mack & Company records, 1858-1938.
- MacLean, Donald, 1839-1903. Donald MacLean papers, 1796, 1862-1902, and 1938.
- Manchester Area Historical Society. Manchester Area Historical Society records, 1837-1955 (bulk 1870-1952).
- Manchester Free Will Baptist Church. Manchester Free Will Baptist Church records, 1855-1940 and 1969.
- Mariners' Church (Detroit, Mich.) Mariners' Church records, 1848-1907.
- Marion (Livingston County, Mich. : Township) Marion Township school records, 1840-1947.
- Marquette County Historical Society. Marquette County Historical Society papers, 1848-1909 (scattered dates).
- Marsh family. Marsh family papers, 1826-1895.
- Marsh, Theodore D. Theodore Marsh papers, 1831-1905.
- Marshall College (Marshall, Mich.) Marshall College records, 1857-1867.
- Marshall Congregational Church (Marshall, Mich.) Marshall Congregational Church records, 1832-1906.
- Martin, Julia Bird. Julia Bird Martin papers, 1796-1965.
- May, Charles Sedgwick, 1830-1901. Charles S. May correspondence, 1853-1861.
- Maynard, Mary Wilcoxon. Mary Wilcoxon Maynard papers, 1853-1896.
- Mayo, Perry, 1839-1921. Perry Mayo journal, 1865-1906.
- McCallum, George P. (George Porterfield), 1871-1952, collector. George P. McCallum collection, 1803-1865 (scattered dates).
- McGraw, Alexander Cooey, 1809-1893. Alexander C. McGraw papers, 1842-1893.
- McIntyre, Donald, 1807-1891. Donald McIntyre papers, 1858 and 1863.
- McLean, John, d. 1911. John McLean papers, 1835-1911.
- McLouth, William B. William B. McLouth papers, 1810-1861.
- McMahon, Joseph, 1807-1890. Joseph McMahon papers, 1832-1906.
- McPeek, Jacob L., b. 1848. Jacob L. McPeek papers, 1861-1885.
- McPeek, Russell Roy, 1862-1945. Russell Roy McPeek papers, 1865-1962.
- McPherson family. McPherson family papers, 1798 and 1847-1967 (scattered dates).
- Mears, Charles B., 1814-1895. Charles B. Mears papers, 1856-1876 and 1945.
- Meddaugh, Elijah Wood, 1833-1903. Elijah Wood Meddaugh papers, 1862-1895 and undated.
- Memorial Presbyterian Church (Detroit, Mich.) Memorial Presbyterian Church records, 1854-1938.
- Merrill & Company (Birmingham, Mich.) Merrill & Company record book, 1836-1873.
- Merrill, George Washington, 1826-1908. George Washington Merrill papers, 1854-1861.
- Merrill, William, 1851-1907. William Merrill papers, 1865-1871 and 1890-1920.
- Mershon, William Butts, 1856-1943. William Butts Mershon papers, 1848-1943.
- Michigan Association of Free Will Baptists. Michigan Association of Free Will Baptists records, 1838-1953.
- Michigan Blacksmith Shop (Manchester, Mich.) Michigan Blacksmith Shop ledger, 1854-1861.
- Michigan Central Railroad Company. Michigan Central Railroad Company records, 1837-1921.
- Michigan Dental Association. Michigan Dental Association records, 1856-[ongoing].
- Michigan Historical Collections. Immigration Sources Project (Netherlands) records, ca. 1850-1933.
- Michigan Paint and Hardware Store (Manchester, Mich.) Michigan Paint and Hardware Store ledgers, 1860-1877.
- Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana Railroad Company. Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana Railroad records, 1865-1869.
- Michigan. Justice of the Peace (Ann Arbor) Ann Arbor Justice of the Peace docket books, 1830-1833 and 1851-1870.
- Michigan. Justice of the Peace (Green Oak Township) Michigan Justice of the Peace docket book, 1842-1909.
- Michigan. Office of the Auditor General. Michigan Office of the Auditor General records, 1840-1937 (scattered dates).
- Michigan. State Land Office Board. Michigan State Land Office Board records, 1816-1924.
- Michigan. Supreme Court. Michigan Supreme Court, Michilimackinac court records, 1805-1940 (bulk 1820-1841) [microform]
- Miles family. Miles family papers, 1838-1889 (scattered dates).
- Millard, Alfred L., 1814-1900. Alfred L. Millard business records, 1856-1895.
- Miller, Kerby A., collector. Kerby A. Miller papers, ca. 1820-1978.
- Mitchell-Strong family collection, 1836-1925.
- Monroe County (Mich.) Monroe County papers, 1819-1943.
- Monroe, William Burdette, b. 1839. William Burdette Monroe letters, 1862-1863.
- Morenci House (Morenci, Mich.) Morenci House register, 1863-1874.
- Morgan family. Morgan family (Ann Arbor, Mich.) papers, 1821-1893.
- Morgan family. Morgan family (Boyne City, Mich.) papers, 1844-1988 (scattered dates).
- Morley, C. F. C. F. Morley account book, 1854-1867.
- Morley, Fred, 1856-1942. Fred Morley papers, 1850-1940.
- Mormon Church microfilm collection, 1821-1959 [microform]
- Morris, George Sylvester, 1840-1889. George S. Morris papers, 1852-1889 and 1910-1915.
- Moses, Charles. Charles Moses land grant certificate, June 26, 1863.
- Mosher, Eliza Maria, 1846-1928. Eliza Mosher papers, 1846-1934.
- Most Holy Trinity Church (Detroit, Mich.) Most Holy Trinity Church records, 1834-1869.
- Mount Albion Cemetery (Albion, Calhoun County, Mich.) Mount Albion Cemetery account book, 1859-1880.
- Muenzinger, Rudolf. Rudolf Muenzinger papers, 1859-1936.
- Mullett family. Mullett family papers, 1825-1924.
- Mulvany, Peter. Peter Mulvany papers, 1856-1900.
- Mundy Presbyterian Church (Rankin, Mich.) Mundy Presbyterian Church records, 1844-1887.
- New York Society (Ann Arbor, Mich.) New York Society records, 1860-1863.
- Newcomb, Roland B. C. Roland B. C. Newcomb papers, 1844-1878.
- Newton, Kelley, collector. Kelley Newton papers, 1834-1865 (scattered dates).
- Noblit family. Noblit family papers, 1858-1939.
- Noggle, Elizabeth Muncy. Elizabeth M. Noggle correspondence, 1859-1877.
- North, Lucian Gregory, 1850-1925. Lucian G. North records, 1864-1924.
- Northwest Mining Company (Delaware, Mich.). Northwest Mining Company letterbook, 1851-1861.
- Nutting, E. P., collector. E. P. Nutting papers, 1851-1945 (scattered dates).
- Old School Predestinaries Baptist Church (Fairfield, Mich.) Old School Predestinaries Baptist Church records, 1833-1899.
- Omena Presbyterian Church (Omena, Mich.) Omena Presbyterian Church records, 1836-ca. 1940.
- Oppermann family. Oppermann family papers, 1864-1871.
- Paine, Valorous Roberts, 1796-1865. Valorous R. Paine papers, 1845-1865.
- Palmer family. Palmer family (Pontiac, Mich.) papers, 1853-1940.
- Palmer, David Wheeler, 1807-1896. David W. Palmer papers, 1813-1892.
- Parke, Hervey Coke, 1827-1898. Hervey Coke Parke papers, 1845-ca. 1900 (scattered dates).
- Parker family. Parker family papers, 1839-1910.
- Parker, Franklin Leonidas, 1820-1894. Franklin L. Parker papers, 1816-1911.
- Parmelee family. Parmelee family papers, 1835-1934.
- Pattengill, Henry Romaine, 1852-1918. Henry R. Pattengill papers, 1861-1939.
- Patterson family. Patterson family papers, 1825-1931.
- Patterson, Thomas Lawton, b. 1836. Thomas Lawton Patterson papers, 1861-1894.
- Payne, William Harold, 1836-1907. William H. Payne papers, 1853-1933.
- Peckens family. Peckens family papers, 1862-1916.
- Peel, Charles, b. 1839. Charles Peel papers, 1864.
- Penn Central Transportation Company. Penn Central Transportation Company records, 1835-1981.
- Pennfield (Mich. : Township) Pennfield Township records, 1849-1944.
- Penoyer, James. James Penoyer papers, ca. 1841-1875.
- Perry, Mr., b. 1803. Mr. Perry autobiographical sketch, undated.
- Pettee, Otis. Otis Pettee papers, 1850-1907.
- Pettee, William Henry, 1838-1904. William Henry Pettee papers, 1859-1899.
- Pettibone, Darwin A., 1827-1894. Darwin A. Pettibone survey notes, undated.
- Pierce, Darius, b. 1801. Darius Pierce papers, 1810-1901.
- Pierce, John Davis, 1797-1882. John Davis Pierce correspondence, 1823-1878.
- Pierce, Nathan, 1790-1862. Nathan Pierce papers, 1842-1862.
- Pittsfield (Mich. : Township) Pittsfield Township records, 1835-1930 and 1953.
- Planck, John. John Planck account books, 1845-1879.
- Pond family. Pond family papers, 1841-1939.
- Post Boot and Shoemakers (Dansville, Mich.) Post Boot and Shoemakers account book, 1851-1884.
- Potts, James Henry, 1848-1942. James Henry Potts papers, 1864-1898.
- Power, Nathan, 1801-1874. Nathan Power record, 1826-1873.
- Powers, John R., b. 1818. John R. Powers papers, 1856-1935 and undated.
- Prairie Seminary (Richland, Mich.) Prairie Seminary records, 1853-1893.
- Pratt family. Pratt family papers, 1836-1863.
- Pratt, Abner, 1801-1863. Abner Pratt papers, 1848-1885, bulk 1855-1861.
- Pray family. Pray family papers, 1826-1910.
- Pray, George Washington, 1825-1890. George Washington Pray papers, 1844-1890.
- Presbyterian Church (Constantine, Mich.) Presbyterian Church records, 1856-1885.
- Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Presbytery of Grand River Valley (Mich.) Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., Presbytery of Grand River Valley minutes, 1857-1870.
- Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Presbytery of Kalamazoo (Mich.) Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., Presbytery of Kalamazoo records, 1839-1944.
- Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Presbytery of Marshall (Mich.) Presbyterian Church, Presbytery of Marshall minutes, 1838-1870.
- Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Presbytery of Washtenaw (Mich.) Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., Presbytery of Washtenaw records, 1837-1870.
- Putnam (Mich. : Township). School District no. 3. Putnam School District no. 3 records, 1853-1862.
- Raab family. Raab family papers, [ca. 1830]-1969.
- Raisin (Mich. : Township) Raisin records, 1834-1871.
- Raisin Center Monthly Meeting (Mich.) Raisin Center Monthly Meeting records, 1838-1908.
- Randall, Caleb Dwinell, 1831-1903. Caleb Dwinell Randall papers, 1855-1902.
- Raub, George R., collector. George R. Raub papers, [182- -ca.1950]
- Rawson family. Rawson family papers, 1856-1915?
- Raymond, Uri Urich. Uri Urich Raymond papers, 1857-1883.
- Read family. Read family papers, 1837-1890.
- Read, Gilbert E., 1822-1898. Gilbert E. Read papers, 1855-1903.
- Redfield, Amelia Frink, collector. Amelia Frink Redfield papers, 1838-1939 (scattered dates).
- Reeves, Jesse Siddall, 1872- Jesse Siddall Reeves papers, 1853-1942.
- Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Jefferson and Pittsford (Pittsford, Mich.) Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Jefferson and Pittsford records, 1852-1865.
- Regal family. Regal family papers, 1834-1905.
- Reynolds, William Harvey, 1835-1919. William Harvey Reynolds papers, 1857-1863 and 1962.
- Richardson family. Richardson family papers, 1864-1966.
- Rickey, Joseph. Joseph Rickey papers, 1850-1862.
- Risdon family. Risdon family papers, 1825-1870.
- Robinson, Samuel S. (Samuel Stillman), 1824-1904. Samuel S. Robinson letterbooks, 1862-1888.
- Robison family. Robison family papers, [183- - 191-] (scattered dates).
- Roger W. Griswold Farm and General Store (Vermontville, Mich.) Roger W. Griswold Farm and General Store account book, 1852-1883.
- Rogers family. Rogers family papers, 1831-1942.
- Rogers, Randolph, 1825-1892. Randolph Rogers papers, 1853-1925.
- Rolfe family. Rolfe family papers, ca. 1839-1864.
- Rominger family. Rominger family papers, 1840-1945 and undated.
- Romulus (Mich. : Township). Romulus record book, 1835-1864.
- Root family. Root family papers, [ca. 1827-ca. 1928].
- Rowley, Henry Kirk, d. 1918. Henry Kirk Rowley letters, 1861-1862.
- Russell, Howard H. (Howard Hyde), 1855-1946. Howard Hyde Russell papers, 1840-1946.
- Ryder, Alfred G., 1842-1863. Alfred G. Ryder diary, 1861-1862 [microform]
- Sager, Abram, 1810-1877. Abram Sager papers, 1838-1876.
- Saginaw Bay Company (Bay City, Mich.) Saginaw Bay Company records, 1837-1870.
- Salem (Washtenaw County, Mich. : Township) Salem school records, 1847-1903.
- Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church (Ann Arbor, Mich.) Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church records, 1833-1979.
- Saline (Mich. : Township) Saline Township records, 1837-1917.
- Saline (Mich. : Township). School District no. 2. Saline Township School District no. 2 records, 1851-1891.
- Sartell family. Sawtell family notebook, [185- - 186-].
- Satterthwaite family. Satterthwaite family papers, 1850s-1930 (scattered dates).
- Satterthwaite, Joseph C. Joseph C. Satterthwaite business records, 1844-1872.
- Savage, Mary. Mary Savage correspondence, 1845-1887.
- Sawyer, Alfred Isaac, 1828-1891. Alfred Isaac Sawyer papers, 1848-1931.
- Schmid, Emma Marie, collector. Emma Marie Schmid papers, 1812-1865 (scattered dates).
- Schmid, Friedrich, 1807-1883. Friedrich, Schmid church records, 1833-1875 [microform].
- Scidmore, Wightman, and Cramer General Store (Hastings, Mich.) Scidmore, Wightman, and Cramer General Store business records, 1856-1869.
- Scio (Mich. : Township) Scio records, 1839-1866.
- Scio (Mich. : Township). School District no. 15. Scio School District no. 15 record book, 1837-1874.
- Scripps, James E. (James Edmund), 1835-1906. James E. Scripps diaries, 1858-1868 and 1872-1881 [microform]
- Scripps, James E. (James Edmund), 1835-1906. James E. Scripps papers, 1858-1940.
- Sears, William Barnard, 1831-1922. William Barnard Sears papers, 1852-1915.
- Second Christian Church (Fairfield, Mich.) Second Christian Church records, 1857-1891.
- Selden family. Selden family papers, [ca. 1785-ca. 1904].
- Seymour family. Seymour family papers, 1845-1898.
- Shelby (Macomb County, Mich. : Township). School District No. 3. Shelby School District No. 3 record book, 1838-1880.
- Sheldon, Ransom. Ransom Sheldon scrapbook, 1854-1874.
- Shepard family. Shepard family papers, 1807-1934.
- Sherman family. Sherman family papers, 1833-1944 (scattered dates).
- Sherwood (Mich. : Township) Sherwood Township records, 1854-1864 and 1895.
- Shetterly, Seth K., b. 1820. Seth K. Shetterly papers, 1829-1934.
- Shields, Edmund Claude, 1871-1947. Edmund Claude Shields papers, 1854-1948.
- Shillito, George Miller. George Miller Shillito letter, November 13, 1863.
- Shurtleff, Mary Belle, 1900- , collector. Mary Shurtleff collection, [184- - 190-] (scattered dates).
- Skillen, Charles Moza. Charles Moza Skillen letter, Dec. 27, 1861.
- Smith family. Smith family papers, 1846-1935.
- Smith, Benjamin Noble, d. 1921. Benjamin N. Smith papers, 1861-1864 and 1882-1909.
- Smith, Clement McDonald, 1844-1923. Clement McDonald Smith papers, 1860-1922.
- Smith, George Nelson, 1807-1881. George Nelson Smith journals and letters, 1840-1879 [microform].
- Smith, Hazel Littlefield. Hazel Littlefield Smith papers, [ca. 1865]-1960.
- Smith, Henry Daniel. Henry Daniel Smith student notebook, 1863.
- Smith, Rufus Z. Rufus Z. Smith papers, 1856-1895.
- Smith, Stillman H. d. 1890. Stillman H. Smith letter, Dec. 6, 1863.
- Smoyer, Levi, d. 1909. Levi Smoyer student notebook, 1864-1865.
- Snitgen Brothers General Store (Westphalia, Mich.) Snitgen Brothers General Store records, 1862-1910.
- Spaulding, Thomas M. (Thomas Marshall), b. 1882 collector. Thomas Marshall Spaulding records, 1851-1870.
- Spencer family. Spencer family papers, 1836-1899.
- Spoor, Charles. Charles Spoor papers, 1837-1893.
- St. Andrew's Church (Saginaw, Mich.) St. Andrew's Church records, 1862-1956.
- St. Andrew's Episcopal Church (Ann Arbor, Mich.) St. Andrew's Episcopal Church records, 1834-1995.
- St. John's Episcopal Church (Clinton, Mich.) St. John's Episcopal Church records, 1838-1916.
- St. John's Episcopal Church (Howell, Mich.) St. John's Episcopal Church records 1857-1946
- St. Luke's Episcopal Church (Ypsilanti, Mich.) St. Luke's Episcopal Church records, 1836-[ongoing].
- St. Peter's Episcopal Church (Tecumseh, Mich.) St. Peter's Episcopal Church records, 1832-1944.
- St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church (Plymouth, Mich.) St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church records, 1856-1985.
- Stebbins, Francis Reuben, 1818-1892. Francis Reuben Stebbins papers, 1856-1896.
- Steere, Joseph Beal, 1842-1940. Joseph B. Steere papers, 1861-1941.
- Sterling (Mich. : Township) Sterling Township records [microform], 1838-1911.
- Sterling (Mich. : Township) Sterling Township records, 1838-1911.
- Stevenson, Thomas. Thomas Stevenson papers, 1856-1909.
- Stockwell Memorial Library (Albion College) Michigan Methodist Conference historical collection, 1837-1915.
- Stoddard, Asa Williams, 1790-1868. Asa Williams Stoddard papers, 1838-1862, and 1942.
- Stony Creek Presbyterian Church (Stony Creek, Mich.) Stony Creek Presbyterian Church records, 1833-1904.
- Studley, William Sprague, 1823-1893. William Sprague Studley papers, 1846-1910.
- Sunderland, Eliza Read, 1839-1910. Eliza Jane Read Sunderland papers, 1865-1910.
- Swank family. Swank family papers, 1845-1898 (bulk 1898).
- Swift family. Swift family papers, 1834-1921.
- Sylvan (Washtenaw County, Mich. : Township) Sylvan Township records, 1834-1910.
- Tappan, Henry Philip, 1805-1881. Henry Philip Tappan papers, 1840-1881.
- Taylor family. Taylor family papers, 1827-1908.
- Taylor, Isaac, 1811-1887. Isaac Taylor letters, 1848-1885.
- Taylor, John W. John W. Taylor papers, 1854-1865.
- Taylor, Orla Benedict, 1865-1945. Orla Benedict Taylor papers, 1831-1943.
- Taylor, S. Vern (Seneca Vern), 1887-1969. S. Vern Taylor papers, 1833 and ca. 1860-1914.
- Tecumseh (Mich.) Tecumseh (Mich.) records, 1827-1900 and 1954.
- Temperance and prohibition papers, 1830-1933.
- Ten Brook, Andrew, 1814-1899. Andrew Ten Brook papers, 1854-1935.
- Thomas, Francis, d. 1917. Francis Thomas letters, 1864-1865.
- Thompson and Carpenter Sawmill (Midland, Mich.). Thompson and Carpenter Sawmill account book, 1861-1865.
- Thompson Carriage and Paint Shop (Ypsilanti, Mich.) Thompson Carriage and Paint Shop business records, [ca. 1842-ca. 1890].
- Thompson, Benjamin, d. 1887. Benjamin Thompson papers, 1865-1886.
- Thompson, Thomas P. Thomas P. Thompson account book, 1849-1898.
- Thorley family. Thorley family papers, 1828-ca. 1940 (scattered dates).
- Tittabawassee Boom Company. Tittabawassee Boom Company record book, 1864-1880.
- Titus, Sam W. Sam W. Titus marriage record books, 1845-1907.
- Trattles, Jane, b. 1793? Jane Trattles letters, 1854-1868.
- Treadwell, Seymour Boughton, 1795-1867. Seymour Boughton Treadwell papers, 1818-1869 and undated.
- Truth, Sojourner, d. 1883. Abraham Lincoln autograph, October 29, 1864.
- Tuomy family. Tuomy family papers, 1840-1966 (bulk 1905-1945).
- Turner, James Munroe, 1850-1896. James Munroe Turner papers, 1850-1898.
- Turner, Sarah E., 1834-1939. Sarah E. Turner papers, 1849-1939.
- Tuthill, George Miller, 1818-1883. George Miller Tuthill diaries, 1847-1885.
- Twichell family. Twichell family papers, 1831-1975 (bulk 1844-1975).
- Tyler, Moses Coit, 1835-1900. Moses Coit Tyler papers, 1864-1897 and 1920-1921.
- Underwood family. Underwood familly letters, [ca. 1855-ca. 1903].
- United Church of Christ. Michigan Conference. United Church of Christ, Michigan Conference records, 1840-1975.
- United Church of Christ. Southwest Association (Mich.) United Church of Christ, Southwest Association records, 1849-1968.
- United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Presbytery of Detroit United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., Presbytery of Detroit records, 1828-1974.
- United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Presbytery of Lake Superior. United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., Presbytery of Lake Superior records, 1853-1961.
- United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Presbytery of Saginaw (Mich.) Presbytery of Saginaw records, 1856-1961.
- United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Synod of Michigan. United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., Synod of Michigan records, 1834-1917 and 1960s.
- United Presbyterian Church of North America. Presbytery of Detroit. Presbytery of Detroit minutes, 1852-1948.
- United States. Bureau of Customs. District of Michilimackinac. United States Bureau of Customs, District of Michilimackinac impost book, 1802-1865.
- United States. Bureau of Indian Affairs. United States, Bureau of Indian Affairs records, 1857-1865, 1870, 1908 and 1910.
- United States. Post Office (South Lyon, Mich.) United States Post Office records, 1853-1865.
- University of Michigan. Orations and essays, 1858-1863.
- University of Michigan. University of Michigan architectural drawings, 1838-1958.
- University of Michigan. University of Michigan architectural drawings. Series 2, 1838-1958.
- University of Michigan. University of Michigan diplomas, 1845-1930s.
- University of Michigan. Alumni Association. Alumni Association (University of Michigan) records, 1859-1998.
- University of Michigan. Alumni Records. Necrology files, 1841-1968.
- University of Michigan. Athletic Dept. Athletic Department (University of Michigan) records, 1860-[ongoing].
- University of Michigan. Biomedical Communications. Biomedical Communications (University of Michigan) records, 1851-1989.
- University of Michigan. Board of Regents. Board of Regents (University of Michigan) records, 1817-[ongoing].
- University of Michigan. Chapel. Chapel (University of Michigan) roll call book, 1860-1868.
- University of Michigan. Class of 1861. Class of 1861 (University of Michigan) records, 1861 and 1910.
- University of Michigan. College of Literature, Science and the Arts. College of Literature, Science and the Arts (University of Michigan) records, 1846-[ongoing].
- University of Michigan. Dept. of Law. Class of 1862. Dept. of Law, Class of 1862 (University of Michigan) theses, 1862.
- University of Michigan. Dept. of Law. Class of 1865. Dept. of Law, Class of 1865 (University of Michigan) theses, 1865.
- University of Michigan. Historical Center for the Health Sciences. Historical Center for the Health Sciences (University of Michigan) records, 1831-1992 (scattered).
- University of Michigan. Law School. : Law School (University of Michigan) records, 1852-1994
- University of Michigan. Library. Library (University of Michigan) records, 1837-[ongoing].
- University of Michigan. Medical School. Medical School (University of Michigan) records, 1850-[ongoing].
- University of Michigan. Museums. Museums (University of Michigan) records, 1863-1976, bulk 1930-1970.
- University of Michigan. Observatory. Observatory (University of Michigan) records, 1855-1985.
- University of Michigan. Office of Ethics and Religion. Office of Ethics and Religion (University of Michigan) records, 1860-1991.
- University of Michigan. Office of the Registrar. Office of the Registrar (University of Michigan) records, 1852-[ongoing].
- University of Michigan. Secretary. Secretary (University of Michigan) records, 1845-1953 (bulk 1908-1944).
- University of Michigan. Treasurer. Treasurer (University of Michigan) records, 1839-1920.
- Upjohn family. Upjohn family papers, 1795-1974.
- Van Buren, Anson De Puy. Anson DePeuy Van Buren papers, 1846-1885.
- Van Raalte, Albertus C. (Albertus Christiaan), 1811-1876. Albertus Christiaan Van Raalte papers, 1837-1876.
- Vander Velde, Lewis George, 1890-1975. Lewis George Vander Velde papers, 1855-1975.
- VanHouten, Eva Marie, collector Eva Marie VanHouten papers, 1857-1975 (scattered dates).
- Vernon Baptist Church (Mich.) Vernon Baptist Church records, 1840-1947.
- Voorhees family. Voorhees family papers, 1861-1897 (scattered)
- W. H. Davenport and Company (Saline, Mich.) W. H. Davenport and Company daybooks, Nov. 1857-Mar. 1858, Feb.-June 1861, and July-Dec. 1867.
- Waldron, Henry Clay. Henry Clay Waldron papers, 1865-1909.
- Walker, Charles I. (Charles Irish), 1814-1895, collector. Charles Irish Walker papers, 1817-1887 (scattered dates).
- Walker, Edward Carey, 1820-1894. Edward Carey Walker correspondence, 1841 and 1863-1881.
- Wallace, Mary Austin, d. 1921. Mary Austin Wallace papers, 1862-1892.
- Warner, Frederick Maltby, 1865-1923. Frederick Maltby Warner papers, 1832-1918.
- Warner, Mark T. (Mark Thomas), 1889-1975. Mark T. Warner papers, 1813-1974 (bulk 1916-1974).
- Warts, Henry L. Henry L. Warts papers, 1852 and 1862.
- Washtenaw Abstract Company (Ann Arbor, Mich.) Washtenaw Abstract Company records, ca. 1824-1954.
- Washtenaw County (Mich.). Commissioner of Schools. Washtenaw County Commissioner of Schools records, 1837-1931.
- Washtenaw Intermediate School District Washtenaw Intermediate School District records, 1834-1966.
- Watson, James C. (James Craig), 1838-1880. James Craig Watson papers, 1857-1881.
- Wattles, John M. John M. Wattles papers, 1863-1893.
- Way, W. H., Mrs. Mrs. W. H. Way autograph book, ca. 1861.
- Wead, Charles Kasson, 1848-1925. Charles Kasson Wead papers, 1840-1924.
- Weber, William Christian, 1853-1952. William Christian Weber papers, 1858-1940.
- Webster United Church of Christ (Webster, Mich.) Webster United Church of Christ records, 1833-1987.
- Welch family. Welch family papers, 1864-1944.
- Wells, Clinton, collector. Clinton Wells papers, 1821 and [ca. 1843-ca. 1910].
- Wesleyan Methodist Church (Brighton, Mich.) Wesleyan Methodist Church records, 1842-1877.
- Wesleyan Methodist Connection (or Church) of America. Michigan Conference. Wesleyan Methodist Church, Michigan Conference records, 1852-1942.
- Weston, Isaac M. (Isaac Mellen), 1845-1899. Isaac M. Weston papers, 1859-1899.
- Whedon, Helen M. Helen M. Whedon papers, 1859-1899.
- Wheeler, Frederick, 1862- Frederick Wheeler papers, 1859-1941.
- Wheeler, Lorenzo D. Lorenzo D. Wheeler papers, 1836-1904.
- Wheeler, Reuben. Reuben Wheeler records, 1835-1891.
- White and Hevener General Store (Lapeer, Mich.). White and Hevener General Store daybooks, 1865-1866, 1869-1872, 1873-1874.
- White family. White family papers, 1822-1899 and 1949.
- White, Andrew Dickson, 1832-1918. Andrew Dickson White papers, 1857-1867.
- White, Eber, b. 1798. Eber White papers, [ca. 1831-ca. 1875].
- White, Enoch J., 1814-1878. Enoch J. White papers, 1836-1877.
- White, Peter, 1830-1908. Peter White papers, 1848-1915.
- Wickliffe, Letty M., 1902- Letty M. Wickliffe papers, 1860?-1992? (bulk 1960s-1976).
- Wilcox Brothers (Northville, Mich.) Wilcox Brothers records, 1838-1907.
- Wilcox family. Willcox-Davis family papers, 1836-1869 and 1912.
- Wilcox, Lucinda S. (Lucinda Sexton), 1820-1884. Lucinda S. Wilcox papers, 1853-1886.
- Willard, Frances Elizabeth, 1839-1898. Frances Willard papers, 1855-1896.
- Williams family. Williams family papers, 1838-1953.
- Williams, Edward. Edward Williams papers, 1838-1878.
- Williams, J. Mott. J. Mott Williams account book, 1847-1868.
- Williams, Jeremiah D., b. 1815. Jeremiah D. Williams papers, 1808-1904.
- Williams, Jessie E. (Jessie Evelyn), 1868- Jessie E. Williams papers, [184-]-1963.
- Willison, Henry Clay, 1846-1906. Henry Clay Willison papers, 1865 and ca. 1870.
- Willson, Louise. Louise Willson papers, 1864-1866.
- Wilsey, Joseph. Joseph Wilsey account book, 1859-1868.
- Wilson family. Wilson family papers, 1848-1902.
- Wilson, George, 1836-1881. George Wilson papers, 1857-1867.
- Wing family. Wing family papers, 1817-1905.
- Wing Lake Presbyterian Church (Bloomfield (Oakland County, Mich.)) Wing Lake Presbyterian Church records, 1847-1882.
- Wing, Warner, 1805-1876. Warner Wing papers, 1837-1878.
- Winthrop Mining Company. Winthrop Mining Company records, 1851-1886.
- Wood family. Wood family correspondence, 1862-1863.
- Wood, De Volson, 1832-1897. De Volson Wood papers, 1828-1936 (scattered).
- Wood, Norman Asa, 1857- Norman Asa Wood papers, 1848-1957.
- Woodbridge family. Woodbridge family papers, 1824-1883.
- Woodruff family. Woodruff family papers, 1822-1921.
- Woodruff, George. George Woodruff papers, 1850-1889.
- Wooll family. Wooll-Hicks family papers, 1841-1929 (scattered)
- Wright family. Wright family papers, 1825-1938.
- Wright, Asa H., 1831-1923. Asa H. Wright papers, 1846-1923.
- Wright, Elisha, 1816-1848. Elisha Wright papers, 1836-1848.
- Wyman, Erastus H., b. 1833. Erastus H. Wyman personal account book, 1856-1862.
- Yates, Albert, 1842-1929. Albert Yates papers, 1856-1889.
- York (Mich. : Township) York Township records, [ca. 1830-ca. 1952].
- Yost, Casper E., 1841-1920. Casper E. Yost papers, 1863 and undated.
- Ypsilanti (Mich. : Township) Ypsilanti Township (Mich.) records, 1827-1923.
- Ypsilanti Evangelical Friends Church (Ypsilanti, Mich.) Ypsilanti Evangelical Friends Church records, 1848-1987 (bulk 1960s-1987).
- Zimmerman, M. M. Zimmerman letters, 1864 and 1867.
- Zion Lutheran Church (Ann Arbor, Mich.) Zion Lutheran Church records, 1833-1975.
- Zion United Church of Christ (Mount Clemens, Mich.) Zion United Church of Christ records, 1854-1992 (scattered dates).