Please note: this site is no longer updated and new acquisitions are described in the finding aids/catalog.

Michigan in the Civil War: Names



(back to top)
----, Alf
----, Calvin
----, Elwen
----, Frank
----, Fred
----, Gus
----, Henry.
----, Hobart
----, Isaac.
----, Jamie.
----, Jim
----, Lee.
----, William


(back to top)
Abbott, Amos W.
Adams, Charles Oscar.
Adams, David L.
Adams, W. T.
Ainsworth, Calvin.
Alcott, Russell H.
Alford, A. W.
Alford, George Washington.
Alger, Russell A.
Allen, C. Emerson.
Allen, Charles
Allmendinger, Miss
Alvord, H. J.
Anderson, Faron.
Andrews, Abiel Wood Kennedy
Andrews, John
Andrews, John Sidney
Andrews, Norman S.
Anthony, Herbert
Applington, Zenos
Armstrong, James W.
Arndt, Albert F. R.
Arnold, J. C.
Ash, Allen
Ashley, Lucius F.
Atkinson, William F.
Austin, Albert G.
Austin, Judson L.
Avery, John


(back to top)
B. Brown General Store (Walled Lake, Mich.)
Babcock, William
Bacheler, John Howard
Backus, Frederick W.
Bailey, Edward G.
Bailey, Franklin H.
Bailey, Ira K.
Bailey, Thomas Dolan.
Baird, Henry C.
Baird, William
Baird, William E.
Baker, Benjamin B.
Baker, Luther Byron.
Baker, Robert S.
Baker, Vestall A.
Baldwin, Frank D.
Baldy, Paul R.
Bancroft, John Milton.
Barbour, Frank A.
Barbour, George W.
Barden, William C.
Bardwell, Joseph H.
Barker, George D.
Barker, Lorenzo A.
Barker, Richard W.
Barlow, Charles H.
Barnes, Hugh L.
Baron, John
Barrett, Hubbard H.
Barrett, W. N.
Bartlett, Harold James.
Bates, Henry C.
Bath, Henry D.
Baughman, Adelbert D.
Beardsley, William L.
Bebee, Ed
Bechtold, Frederick W.
Beebe, Howard M.
Beebe, Joseph E.
Beers, Isaac
Beers, Thaddius, 1836-1862.
Belcher, Horatio
Belfield, Henry H.
Bellamy, Henry H.
Bender, John H.
Benjamin, John R.
Bennett, Charles
Bennett, Edward L.
Bennett, John (19th Michigan Infantry)
Bennett, John, b. 1834 or 5 (4th Michigan Cavalry)
Benson, Frederick T.
Benson, John Roger
Benton, Edwin
Bessmer, John M.
Bettis, John T.
Bevier, Jonathan D.
Bibbins, Newton
Bicking family.
Bigelow, David
Bigelow, George W.
Bindell, M.
Bingham, James W.
Bingham, Kinsley S.
Bird, Henry
Blashfield, George
Bloof, Allen F.
Boardman, John D.
Bogue, Anson
Bogue, Charles
Boies, Albert Hartson, 1844-1930.
Bordner, Benjamin F.
Boss, James
Boston, William.
Boughton, John C.
Bowers, Alfred.
Bowers, William.
Boyce, A. S.
Bradish, Darius C.
Bradley, Elmer
Bradley, G. S.
Bradley, William Smith.
Bragg, Braxton
Brainerd, Elmina
Breakey, William Fleming
Brethschneider, Robert.
Brewer, Melvin
Brigden, Wharton W.
Briggs, George
Briggs, John H.
Brokaw, E. V. W.
Bromley, John
Bronson, Eugene H.
Brophy, William
Brown, Frank M.
Brown, John
Brown, Samuel T.
Brown, Watt E.
Brown, William Anson.
Brown, William H.
Bryan, Jasper
Bryant, Albert H.
Buchanan, John C.
Buck, Andrew Newton
Buck, Curtis
Buck, R. Mortimer
Buckbee, Julian Edward (Edward J.)
Buell, Frank M.
Buell, Sidney D.
Buhl, Frederick A.
Bump, Henry
Bump, Orrin
Bunn, Moses.
Burch, Nelson C.
Burchell, George W.
Burgess, Maynard E.
Burgoyne, John.
Burnett, Cody
Burnett, Lavina
Burr, Henry
Burrows, Julius C.
Bury, Edwin R.
Bush, A. H.
Bush, Daniel D. W.
Bush, Horatio N.
Bush, Ransom.
Bussey, Jerome
Butler, William


(back to top)
Caldwell, Daniel M.
Caldwell, William Clinton
Calkins, Edwin D.
Calkins, William B.
Camp, James W.
Campbell, Robert H.
Campbell, Valeria
Cannon, Levi
Carlisle, Hannah L.
Carlisle, Joseph L.
Carnaby, William A.
Carpenter, Orlando E.
Carrington, Edward
Carroll, William J.
Carson, Harrison Harmon.
Carthey, George L.
Case, Leverette N.
Case, Rollin Seward
Cash, Daniel G.
Chadwick, Elihu P.
Chaffee, C.T.
Chandler, Zachariah
Chapman, LeGrand
Charles, Horace
Chase, Cornelia
Chase, Delia
Chase, Frank R.
Chase, George Willey
Chase, Milton
Chase, Seymour
Cheney, Rufus
Child, Putnam H.
Childs, William A.
Christian, William E.
Christiancy, Henry Clay
Christiancy, Isaac Peckham
Chubb, Ephraim B.
Church, J. P. C.
Church, William L.
Cilley, Daniel P.
Clark, E. R.
Clark, Frank
Clark, Nathan B.
Clark, William H.
Classer, J. A.
Claxton, William C.
Cleveland, Charles M.
Cleveland, M. B.
Clubb, Henry S.
Cobb, Daniel J.
Coe, James
Coffinberry, Wright L.
Cole, C. C.
Cole, Miner T.
Colman, Francis
Combs, C. H.
Compton, Silas H.
Comte, Victor E.
Conant, John Stoughton
Conely, Thomas Jefferson
Conger, C. I.
Converse, George D.
Cook, Daniel
Cook, Orlen P.
Cook, Sullivan
Cook, William Wallace
Coolbeath, E. N.
Cooley, Henry G.
Coon, Jesse
Corden, John
Corselius, Edward
Corselius, Fred
Covey, Alfonzo
Covey, Eleazer J.
Covey, Hiram F.
Covey, Israel P.
Covey, Jordin
Cowell, Daniel W.
Craig, Albert
Craig, Charles
Cram, J. W.
Crane, Alexander B.
Crane, Eugene W.
Crane, Theodore Horace
Cranwill, J. P.
Crapo, Henry Howland
Creque, Theodore D.
Crittenden, Thomas L.
Cudney, Charles H.
Curry, James L.
Curtis, Samuel D.
Curtiss, Sheldon Russell
Custer, George Armstrong
Cutcheon, Byron Mac


(back to top)
Daniels, John W. (John Wesley)
Danner, Simon
David, James I.
Davidson, Jehial
Davidson, Sylvia
Davis, Charles W.
Davis, Chyler B.
Davis, Ferdinand
Davis, Jonathan E.
Davis, Lorenzo
Davis, Robert W.
Davis, Stanley W.
Davison, Henry L.
Davison, Sam
Day, L. W.
Dean, Henry Stewart
Dean?, John H.
Decker, Gabriel M.
DeLand, Charles Victor
DeLand, James S.
Demarest, Samuel L.
Demmon, Isaac Newton
Dennis, George E.
Dennis, W. J.
Deuel, Rhoda
Dewitt, Joseph
Deyoe, James F.
Dibeler, J. B.
Dickerson, Charles, -1899.
Diem, Frederick
Divine, Jacob M.
Dougherty, Francis M.
Doughty, John Henry.
Douglass, Joseph
Dover Township, Lenawee County, Mich.
Dover, William
Dowling, Levi
Doyle, Richard N.
Drake, Edward A.
Drake, Ludlum C.
DuBois, Wilbur F.
Dudley, G. L.
Duncan, Richard W.
Dunn, Francis Wayland
Dunn, Newell Ransom
Dunn, Ransom
Dunn, T. R.
Dunn, William H.
Durfee, Charles D.
Duzenbury, William


(back to top)
Earley, A. R.
Eastburn, Isaac H.
Easton, Ambrose J.
Edmonds, Charles A.
Edmonds, Sarah Emma
Edwards, Arthur
Edwards, Isaac Z.
Edwards, Joseph P.
Elder, John A.
Elliott, Isaac S.
Ellis, Hiram R.
Ellsworth, Oliver C.
Ely, Ralph
Emmons, Charles E.
Ervay George W.
Evans, Frank
Ewing, Alexander


(back to top)
Fairman, Sebre H.
Fall, Charles S.
Farmer, Edwin R.
Farnill, John S.
Farrar, Judson S.
Faxon, John Harvey
Felt, John
Fenner, Stephen Henry
Fenton, William M.
Ferrier, William, 1834-1913.
Ferry, William Montague
Field, Frederick N.
Fifer, William
Finch, Joseph J.
Findley, Robert
Fish, Timothy R.
Fitch, Morris E.
Fitzgerald, Michael W.
Fitzgibbon, Thomas C.
Flanders, George A.
Flaten, Emil
Footer, Henry.
Ford, Charles
Ford, Charles W.
Ford, Edwin
Foster, Quintus
Fountain, Orlando
Fox, Benjamin B. (or Wells B.)
Fox, Dorus M.
Fox, Newton P.
Fox, Perrin V.
Fox, Wells B. (or Benjamin B.)
Franklin, William
Freeman, Albert H.
French, George W.
Frey, John S.
Fuller, Benjamin F.
Fuller, William
Fulmer, Charles W.
Fyfe, Jennie


(back to top)
G. D. C.
Galligan, Charles E.
Garfield, James A.
Garrick, William.
Garrison, Abram E.
Garrison, Wright H.
Gates, Samuel K.
Gault, William S.
Gazlay, Curtis
Geary, John W.
Geoghegan, A. E.
Gibbs, Josiah H.
Gibbs, Oramill
Gibbs, Robert I.
Gifford, Edson P.
Gilbert, Edwin H.
Gilbert, James W.
Gilluly, John
Gleason, Theodore H.
Goodrich, Fred Stanley.
Gordon, George C.
Grant, Claudius Buchanan.
Graveraet, Garrett A.
Graves, Albert
Graves, Albert
Gray, George
Green, Charles V.
Green, Sullivan Dexter
Greene, William M.
Greenfield, Levi
Greenough, Henry W.
Gregory, Asa
Gregory, Richard.
Griffin, Eli Augustus.
Griffis, John S.
Griffith, Robert B.
Grisson, Samuel
Griswold, Joseph Bascom
Grommon, Frank P.
Gross, Frank
Gunnell, William C.
Gustin, Alpheus W., 1787-1870
Gustin, Warren, b. 1830
Guthrie, James W. (James Welch)
Guthrie, John


(back to top)
Hager, Phineas
Haight, Gilbert H.
Haines, David H.
Hale, Luther F.
Hall, Francis Everett
Hall, James H.
Hall, John T.
Hall, Lovinius A.
Hall, Morris Stuart
Hallam, Jonathan
Hallam, Thomas
Halliday, E. W.
Hamlin, John A.
Hammond, George E.
Hampton, Carlos D.
Hampton, Cornelia C.
Hancock, Albert
Hancock, Winfield S.
Hand, Jacob
Hanfield, Joseph.
Harbaugh, David E.
Hardy, Robert
Harlow, Charles
Harper, Joseph
Harrison, Charles V.
Harter, Mathias
Harts, William
Haskell, Hiram
Hatch, Edward Walker
Hathaway, Albert L.
Hathaway, Arthur B.
Hawley, James
Hayden, Jasper
Haydon, Charles B.
Haynes, Joseph H.
Heald, Warren E.
Helle, William F.
Hemingway, Luther
Hempstead, Henry Mortimer
Hendershot, Henry C.
Henderson, Thomas D.
Henry, Charles E.
Hentz, Thaddeus W.
Herrick, Josiah
Herriman, Sidney H.
Heustis, George F.
Hibbard, William.
Hickman, John E.
Hickox, H. W.
Hill, Charles L.
Hill, William A.
Hills, W. H.
Hodskin, Charles Horace
Hoffman, Jacob
Hoffman, Samuel
Hopkins, Enos
Hopper, George C.
Horton, N. N. (Newman N.)
Houghton, James
Houghton, William
House, Eric D.
Howard, R. S.
Howe, George N.
Howe, Simeon A.
Howell, George M.
Howell, Seymour
Hower, Wesley N.
Hubbard, Samuel M.
Hudson, Charles F.
Hughes, Edward
Hulbert, Charlie
Hulbert, Nathan
Hume, Charles W.
Humphrey, William
Hunt, Charles G.
Hurd, W. P.
Hurd, William
Hussey, John Milton
Huston, Benjamin W.
Hutchison, Robert
Hutchison, William B.


(back to top)
I. W. G.
Ingraham, David P.
Innes, Robert Strachan.
Innes, William P.
Irwin, James Leman
Irwin, John E.
Irwin, William B.
Isham, Reuben B.


(back to top)
Jackenay, Ammi
Jacklin, Rufus W.
Jackson, C. C.
Jackson, Walter Hinckley
Jacques, William
James, Theron
Janney, Ellwood
Jeffords, Harrison H.
Jeffries, James J.
Jelley, Edward
Jenkins, John
Jenness, J. K.
Jessup, Joseph
Jewell, David A.
Jock, William
Johnson, Benjamin C.
Johnson, Franklin
Johnston, Benjamin S.
Jones, Amos S.
Jones, Charles W.
Jones, Eli
Jones, Harlem B.
Jones, John
Jones, L. B.
Jones, Orin E.
Judd, E. C.


(back to top)
Kallman, Herman.
Kay, John B.
Keeler, Alonzo Merrill
Keeler, Dexter D.
Keeler, Ezra
Kelley, Charles A.
Kellogg, E. Lyman
Kellogg, Francis W.
Kelsey, Louis, b. 1843.
Kemp, Joseph
Kendall, Austin J.
Kent, Daniel
Kenyon, Crandel A.
Kepler, L. Monroe
Kidd, James Harvey
Kilborn, George H.
Kilbourne, Henry Sayles
Kimmell, Samuel B.
Kingsley, Frank
Kingsley, James
Kinney, W. R.
Kinney, William S.
Kirk, Newton T.
Kirkwood, Alexander
Knapp, Andrew B.
Knappen, P.
Kneppen, B. F.
Knight, Joseph W.
Knipple, Daniel H.


(back to top)
Ladies Soldiers' Aid Society (Grand Haven, Mich.)
Lamkin, William
Lamson, Alvan C.
Langdon, John C.
Langley, Edson
Larabee, Augustus W.
Laurence, George W.
Leach, Morgan L.
Leadbetter, Edward S.
Lee, George W.
Lee, Spencer D.
Lehman, Frederick
Lehman, John [variously spelled Leeman or Lehmann]
Lemon, George W.
Lerich, Isaac N.
Lerich, William F.
Lewis, Benton W.
Lewis, John
Lewis, William Augustus
Lewis, William Ely
Lighthall, Dow L.
Limbarker, William E.
Litchfield, DeForest
Littlefield, Cyrus E.
Littlefield, Daniel W.
Littlefield, Wesley B.
Lively, C. P.
Lively, Charles S.
Lively, Mary B.
Lockley, George
Lockwood, Aaron, 1825-1895.
Lockwood, Major F.
Lockwood, Selina, 1814-1895.
Longyear, William D.
Loomis, Cyrus O.
Loud, Rienzi
Love, John C.
Lovejoy, Hiram J.
Lovejoy, William P.
Lowell, Henry S.
Lowell, Smith
Lowing, Stephen Lampman
Luce, Constant
Luce, Moses A.
Luce, Townsend M.
Ludwig, C. H.
Lynch, John
Lyon, G. Collins
Lyon, Sanford W.
Lyon, Solomon T.


(back to top)
Macumber, Benjamin C.
Maes, Jotham Ward.
Magee, H. W.
Maltman, John S.
Mann, W. D.
March, Edwin J.
Marine, Edward
Marr, Duston
Martin, Abner B.
Martin, Jack
Martin, James
Martin, John F.
Martin, William Henry
Mason, See
Mather, Asher E.
Mathews, Amasa E.
Matthews, Samuel.
Mattoon, Gershom W.
May, Frank W.
McAlester, Charles E.
McArthur, E. Bradley
McBride, J.W.
McCauley, Joseph
McClellan, George B.
McClelland, Robert.
McCrath, John W.
McCreery, Charles H.
McCreery, William B.
McCumsey, Thomas C.
McDaniel, James
McFarlan, Henry Clay
McGraw, Alexander H.
McGregor, John D.
McIsaacs, John
McMichael, William
McQuaid, Robert H.
Mead, Charles.
Mead, R. T. (Richard Titus)
Menadue, John
Merrill, Lewis
Merryweather, Charles
Merryweather, M.
Meyer, Edward.
Meyer, Henry
Miles, James W.
Miller, Clement F.
Mills, Clark E.
Mills, Ephraim.
Mills, Samuel J.
Millspaugh, David
Milnes, Alfred
Miner, Daniel V.
Miner, Martin
Minor, Robert B. (Robert Blake)
Minser, George C.
Mintline, Daniel
Minty, Robert Horatio George
Mix, Edward H.
Mix, Elisha, 1818-1898.
Mix, Frank W.
Mizner, Henry R.
Mogk, George C.
Monaghan, Daniel
Monaghan, John W.
Monroe, Nathan
Monteith, Edwin Harris
Monteith, George
Monteith, John, Jr.
Moore, Dewey
Moore, Orlando
Moore, Samuel Randal
Moran, Frank
Moran, Patrick
Morey, John Rising
Morgan, Albert T.
Morgan, Josiah G.
Morris, George
Morris, Wayne E.
Morrow, Henry A.
Morse, Allen B.
Morton, Richard T.
Mosher, Raycide.
Moulton, Charles Henry
Muncy, Levi
Munger, Melvin.
Munroe, David Smalley
Munson, Marion
Myers, John Leonard
Myres, Eli.


(back to top)
Nash, Rufus C.
Naylor, William A.
Near, John L. (or Loomis Near)
Neer, Henry.
Nellis, George
Nelson, C.C.
Nevins, William S.
Newman, George S.
Newton, George H.
Newton, Henry
Nichoson, John W
Nicos?, W. H.
Nimmons, John S.
Nims, Hannibal
Noah, Elmer H.
Noah, Orange P.
Noble, Alfred
Noble, Henry G.
Noble, Seth
Noll, Conrad
North, S. Jack (Samson Jackson)
Northrop, Henry H.
Norton, William A.


(back to top)
O'Brien, Patrick E.
O'Brien, William H.
O'Callaghan, Thomas
O'Harrow, Edwin W.
Oberlin, Henry.
Olney, Darwin


(back to top)
Packard, Alonso
Packard, Randall P.
Paddock, Byron D.
Paldi, Angelo
Parker, Jesse W.
Parker, Silas L.
Parkhurst, John Gibson.
Parks, James Madison.
Parrish, C.
Parrish, Heman S.
Patrick, John R.
Patterson, David H.
Patterson, Philo D.
Payne, Martin B.
Pearson, Stephen
Peck, Abel
Peck, Henry
Peel, Charles
Pemberton, Charles C.
Penland, Hiram F.
Perry, George B.
Phelps, Edgar A..
Phelps, Henry L.
Phelps, W. W.
Phillips, Delos
Phillips, H. A.
Phillips, Horace.
Pillsbury, Nahum.
Pillsbury, William H. H.
Pistorius, Frederick
Pitkin, Edwin P.
Ploughman, George
Plumb, Laura.
Poe, Orlando M.
Pomeroy, Augustus
Poor, D. M. (David M.)
Post, Ebenezer
Post, James Alexis
Post, William W.
Potter, Henry Albert
Potter, John M.
Potter, Theodore E.
Pratt, Curtis Z.
Prentiss, Charles H.
Prentiss, Clara
Prescott, A. B. (Albert Benjamin).
Preston, Fowler, Jr.
Preston, Theodore
Preston, Wallace
Price, Charles A.
Pritchard, Benjamin D.
Probasco, Jacob
Pullman, Paschal A.
Pullman, Walter
Putnam, Peter S.
Putnam, William
Putnam, William H.


(back to top)
Quinn, Francis


(back to top)
R. G.
Ralph, Alfred
Ralph, Oscar
Randall, Edmund S.
Randall, William H.
Rankin, David Carson
Ransom, Ezra
Rath, Christian
Rawson, Silas M.
Raymond, William E.
Read, Thomas.
Reed, Charles O.
Reed, David.
Reed, Elijah
Reed, Lafayette M.
Reed, Seth.
Renick, John H.
Rhodes, George
Rice, Lewis J.
Rich, Nelson B.
Richards, Alfred S.
Richards, William
Richardson, John H.
Richardson, Jonas D.
Ridley, Bob
Ridlon, John M.
Ripley, John H.
Ripley, Lauren
Robbins, Jerome John.
Robbins, Richard B.
Robins, Jonathan.
Robinson, Edmund
Robinson, George D. (George Dorgue)
Robinson, William F.
Roe, Willard
Rogers, Robert
Root, Randolph
Root, Roswell L.
Roseberry, Isaac
Rossetter, John O.
Rowe, Benjamin Nelson
Rowe, James Delos
Rowe, Josiah Lemuel
Rowe, Squire Washington.
Ruport, Sherman
Rush(?), Simpson
Russell, Allen S.
Russell, Eli.
Russell, Francis Granger.
Ryder, Alfred G.
Ryder, John E.


(back to top)
Sabin, Daniel.
Sadler, Silas W.
Safford, Benjamin D.
Sage, James A.
Sanford, George Hoyt
Savage, Isaac O.
Sawyer, Franklin
Saxton, Hiram G.
Sayers, Samuel
Schermerhorn, John F.
Schmalzriedt, Friedrich
Schneider, Frederick
Seage, Henry Stark
Sedgwick, John
Seeger, M. (or Matthew Seegar)
Segur, Philip
Sessions, Darius
Sessions, John Q. A.
Setright, John T.
Sexton, Edwin
Sexton, John
Shaffer, George T.
Shafter, John N.
Shafter, William Rufus.
Shattuck, Lucius L.
Shattuck, Mary Donelson
Shaw, Edwin O.
Shaw, Horatio Watson
Shaw, John
Shaw, William H.
Shay, Ephraim.
Shearman, Francis Willett.
Sheiler, Daniel R.
Shepard, Irwin W.
Shirey, Solomon
Shurly, E. R. P.
Simmonds, George W.
Simpson, J. H.
Sinclair, Robert P.
Skeback, Dan
Slayton, Asa Walker
Slayton, Augustus Whitman
Slayton, Charles Wood
Slayton, Chester Metcalf
Slayton, William Lambert
Sleight, William E.
Sligh, James May
Sligh, James Wilson
Slover, John
Smith, A. K.
Smith, Abram L.
Smith, Albert S.
Smith, Frank
Smith, Harriet
Smith, Heman.
Smith, John A.
Smith, Peter.
Smith, Thaddeus
Smith, William George
Smithe, George C.
Snively, Abraham.
Soldiers' Aid Society of Kalamazoo
Solomon, Stephen S.
Soule, Harrison.
Southworth, John W.
Southworth, Samuel D.
Spalding, Wilbur F.
Spalding, William P.
Spaulding, De Witt C.
Spaulding, Ezekial P.
Spaulding, Oliver Lyman
Spaulding, William
Spence, James K
Spencer, L. W.
Sprague, Levi C.
Sprague, Thomas S.
Sprague, W. S.
Stanard, Hercules
Stanard, William B.
Stanard, William N.
Stark, Henry
Stark, Jacob H.
Starr, Eli Lake.
Stearns, Ezra
Stekete, Peter
Stevens, Nelson R.
Stevens, William Collin.
Stewart, Charles
Stewart, Damon
Stickney, J. N.
Stocker, Anthony E.
Stockton, T. B. W. (Thomas Baylis Whitmarsh).
Stockwell, Cyrus M.
Stoddard, Byron
Stone, Addison Ray
Stow, Frederick A.
Strank, S. T.
Strong, Henry N.
Strong, John J.
Sudborough, Joseph E.
Sutton, John A.
Swaddle, William C.
Swift, Frederick W.
Swigart, John T.


(back to top)
Taggart, Moses
Tardy, John A.
Taylor, Edward H.
Taylor, Edward Henry Courtney
Taylor, G.
Taylor, Napoleon B.
Ter Bush, Alex
Thayer, Homer L.
Thayer, S. B.
Thayer, William W.
Thomas, George H.
Thomas, Stephen Van Rennslaer
Thompson, Frank
Thompson, Henry E.
Thompson, James O.
Thompson, Milton
Throop, William A.
Tibbles, George H.
Tillson, Davis
Todd, Charles D.
Todd, Elliot
Todd, Ethan J.
Tompkins, Daniel S.
Torrey, George D.
Tower, Angelo Emery
Tower, Benjamin F.
Tower, Eustace W.
Tower, Isaac Lewis
Tower, Osmond Selwyn
Tower, T. W.
Town, C. H.
Townsend, George W.
Towsley, Andrew.
Tracy, Henry L.
Tracy, Robert F.
Travis, John D.
Trego, David R.
Trembley, Oliver C.
Trill, Samuel
Trowbridge, L. S. (Luther Stephen)
Tucker, Charles
Tucker, Delivan
Tucker, John
Tulley, Thomas
Tunnicliff, Joseph.
Tuttle, James Gilmore
Tuttle, James H.
Tuttle, Richard D.
Tuttle, William H.
Tyler, George B.
Tyler, John


(back to top)
Upjohn, William


(back to top)
Van Gieson, Lewis K.
Van Hoosen, Nathan
Van Ostrand, Henry
Van Riper, Charles A.
Van Sickle, John
Van Valin, Oliver W.
Van Vlack, Alonzo A.
Vandemark, James
Vandenburgh, W. Joseph
Vander Veen, Arend
Vanderburgh, A. C.
Vickery, Richard Swanton
Visscher, William
Voorhees, Augustus
Voris?, A. C.
Vosburgh, Wash
Vreeland, Michael J.


(back to top)
Wadsworth, Charles W.
Walbridge, Wells
Walker, Adeline M.
Walker, C. I
Walker, George D.
Wallace, Elmer D.
Walsworth, George W.
Walter, Sydney
Ward, N. P.
Warner, Harvey L.
Warner, Walter
Warner, William R.
Washburn, C.
Washtenaw County (Mich.)
Waterbury, John C.
Waters, D. R.
Watson, Charles H.
Watson, Edward Michael
Watts, Richard A.
Way, William C.
Webb, Milo.
Webb, Nathan
Weener, Walter, d. 1862.
Weissert, John
Wells, Benjamin Franklin
Wells, Eric
Westcott, Martin A.
Wheeler, Cyrus B.
Wheeler, William
White, Aaron B.
White, George W.
White, John R.
White, Menly
White, Rollin N.
White, Wellington
White, William H.
Whitehead, Edward C.
Whiteside, John C.
Whitman, William R.
Whitney, C. C.
Wholerich?, Germain
Wideman, Henry
Wilhelm, George H.
Wilkinson, William H.
Willard, L. B.
Willcox, Orlando B.
Willett, Gordon A.
Willett, James W.
Willett, Mary Yates
Williams, Alpheus S. (Alpheus Starkey)
Williams, Thomas H.
Willson, James Caldwell.
Willson, John
Wilson, Albert C.
Wilson, David R.
Wilson, O(?)
Wilson, William W.
Wilterdink, John Anthony
Winchell, Alexander
Winchell, Horace
Winchell, Mary R.
Winegar, William
Wing, Lucius M.
Winship, John
Wisner, Moses
Withington, William Herbert
Wittum, Marion
Wolcott, Laurens W.
Wood, Daniel.
Wood, George D.
Woodbury, Dwight A.
Woodbury, G. T.
Woodbury, George E.
Woodman, Edson
Woodruff, Charles
Woodruff, George A.
Woodruff, Montgomery S.
Woodruff, William S.
Woods, James T.
Woodward, Benjamin
Woodworth, N.
Wright, Alfred W.
Wright, Dean C.
Wright, E. L.
Wright, Simeon
Wright, Zenos Russell


(back to top)
Yarnold, Benjamin E.
Yates, John B.
Yerkes, Silas A.
Young, Eugene D. (Eugene Deverny)
Young, Hiram Oliver
Young, Sylvester L.