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Michigan in the Civil War

Browse by Name: Post, Ebenezer

Wilson, Ellen

The papers of Ellen Wilson of Coldwater, Mich., contain ten letters (Oct. 11, 1862-Jan. 23, 1865) written by Ebenezer Post to Miss Wilson. They have some pleasant camps and "first rate times." He likes the country and the service "better the longer I stay ... but I shall be glad when this war is over so we can all go home." He wants some of his friends at home to enlist before they get drafted, and hopes that some other folks will be drafted. "To put down the rebellion and preserve the Union, that is the thing we will have in the end." They were on a scouting expedition with twenty teams when the Rebels attacked them and there was "quite a skirmish." Coming through from Atlanta they had hard marching but plenty to eat. The water is pretty high so campaigning may stop for a while. Men are coming down from home looking for work, especially around Chattanooga where wages are 60 dollars a month. Post, of Union, Mich., enlisted in Company C, 19th Michigan Infantry, Aug. 11, 1862, and was mustered out June 10, 1865.