Please note: this site is no longer updated and new acquisitions are described in the finding aids/catalog.

Michigan in the Civil War: All Collections



(back to top)
Abbott, Amos W. (Amos Whitney), 1835-1862.
Adams, Charles Oscar, b. 1831.
Ainsworth, Calvin, 1839-1916.
Alcott, Russell H., 1825-1862.
Alford, George Washington, 1828-1863.
Allen, C. Emerson, b. 1844.
Anderson, Faron, 1844 or 5-1864.
Andrews, John Sidney.
Anonymous Gettysburg campaign reminiscence.
Anonymous letter, April 19, 1863.
Association of the 20th Michigan Infantry Volunteers.
Austin, Judson L.
Ayres, Louis Evans, 1886-1973.


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B. Brown General Store (Walled Lake, Mich.)
Bagley family.
Bagley, J. M.
Bailey, Franklin H., 1845-1914
Bailey, Ira K., 1843-1863.
Bailey, Thomas Dolan, 1838-1907.
Baird family.
Baker, Catherine C.
Baker, Luther Byron, 1830-1896.
Baker, Vestall A., 1843-1928.
Bancroft, John Milton, 1838-1918.
Barbour, George W., b. 1841.
Barden, William C.
Barker, George D., 1830 or 31-1863.
Barker, Lorenzo A., b. 1839.
Barker, Richard W. (Richard Watson), 1833-1905.
Barlow, Charles H., b. 1840.
Barrett, Hubbard H., 1835-1863.
Bartlett, Harold James, 1835-1883.
Bates, Charles F. (Charles Franklin)
Baughman, Adelbert D., b. 1841.
Beach, Kelly M., collector.
Beal, Rice Aner, 1823-1883.
Bechtold family.
Beebe, Joseph E., 1810-1872.
Beers, Isaac.
Beers, Thaddius, 1836-1862.
Bell family.
Bellamy, Henry H., 1837-1862.
Bennett, John, b. 1834 or 5.
Benson, Frederick T.
Benson, John Roger, 1837-1911.
Bentley, George C.
Bibbins family.
Bicking family.
Bigelow, Horace O., b. 1826.
Bingham family.
Bingham, Kinsley S. (Kinsley Scott), 1808-1861.
Blair, Austin, 1818-1894.
Blanchard family.
Boardman family.
Bogue family.
Boies, Albert Hartson, 1844-1930.
Bordner, Benjamin F.
Boss family.
Boston, William, 1839?-1915.
Boughton, John C., 1836-1894.
Bowers, Alfred, 1836-1932.
Boyce, A. S. (Addison S.), b. 1834 or 35.
Bradish, Curran.
Bradley, William Smith, b. 1834.
Brethschneider, Robert, 1819-1877.
Brigden, Wharton W.
Briggs family.
Brown family.
Brown, William Anson, 1840-1862.
Buchanan family.
Buck family.
Buckbee family.
Buell family.
Buhl, Frederick A. (Frederick Augustus)
Bump, Henry, 1840-1865.
Bunn, Moses.
Burt, Flora
Bush, Ransom, 1824-1862.
Butler, Charles.
Butterworth family.


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Caldwell, William Clinton, 1837-1896.
Calkins, William B., ca. 1825-1862.
Campbell Family (Ann Arbor, Mich.)
Campbell, James V. (James Valentine), 1823-1890.
Cannon, George Henry, b. 1826.
Carlisle family.
Carnaby, William A.
Carpenter, Orlando E., 1833-1899.
Carr family.
Carroll, William J., 1842-1902.
Carson, Harrison Harmon.
Chadwick, Elihu P., 1836-
Chandler, Zachariah, 1813-1879.
Chase, Cornelia, 1815-1905.
Chase, George Willey, 1840-
Chase, Lew Allen, 1879-1957.
Chase, Milton, b. 1837.
Child, Putnam H.
Christian, Palmer, 1885-1947.
Christiancy, Henry Clay.
Christiancy, Isaac Peckham, 1812-1890.
Chubb family.
Clark, Nathan B., 1838-1863.
Cleveland Family.
Clubb, Henry S., 1827-1921.
Cobb, Daniel J., 1833-
Coffinberry, Wright L., 1807-1889.
Cole, Miner T., 1839-
Colman, Francis.
Compton, Silas H., 1832-1870.
Comstock, Lorin L., 1825-1863.
Comte, Victor E., 1833-1864.
Conant family.
Conely, Thomas Jefferson, 1836-1899.
Converse, George D.
Cook, John Potter, 1812-1884.
Cook, Sullivan, 1834-1903.
Cook, William Wallace, 1843-1917.
Cooley, Henry G., 1836-
Corden, John, 1821-
Corselius, George, 1806-1849.
Craig, Charles.
Crane, Salmon, 1812-1888.
Cranwill, J. P.
Crapo, Henry Howland, 1804-1869.
Creque, Theodore D., 1848-
Crouse, Robert, 1813-1869.
Curry, James L., 1825-
Custer, George Armstrong, 1839-1876.
Cutcheon, Byron Mac, 1836-1908.


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Daniels, John W. (John Wesley)
Davidson, Sylvia.
Davis family
Davis family (Grand Rapids and Pontiac, Mich.)
Davis family (papers collected by Mrs. E. E. Davis)
Davis, DeWitt C., b. 1805.
Davis, Ferdinand, b. 1840
Davis, Lorenzo, b. 1812.
Davis, R. C. (Raymond Cazallis), b. 1836
Davison family.
Dean, Henry Stewart, 1830-1915
DeLand family
Demmon, Isaac Newton, 1842-1920.
Dennis family.
Dickerson, Charles, -1899.
Doughty, John Henry.
Douglass family (Newaygo County, Mich.)
Dunn, Francis Wayland, 1843-1874.
Dunn, Ransom, 1818-1900.
Dunn, William H., 1844-1934


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Easton family.
Edwards, Isaac Z., b. 1834
Ellsworth, Alice
Ellsworth, Oliver C., 1841 or 2-1864.
Emery family.
Emmons family.
Enos, Henry M.
Enrollment list, 1863.
Ervay, George W., 1842 or 3-1863.


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Fairman family
Fall family.
Farmer, Edwin R.
Faxon, John Harvey, b. 1827.
Felch, Alpheus, 1804-1896.
Fenner, Stephen Henry
Ferrier, William, 1834-1913.
Ferry family (William Montague Ferry)
Field, Frederick N., b. 1841.
Fifer, William.
Fisher, James Samuel, 1826-1913.
Fitch, Morris E., d. 1863.
Fitzgerald family
Flanders, Edwin P.
Ford, Charles W.
Ford, Edwin, 1837-1865
Fox family
Fox, William H., b. 1815
French, George W.
Fuller, Benjamin F., 1827 or 1828-1865.
Fyfe family


(back to top)
Garrick, William, 1819-1883.
Garrison, Wright H., 1839-
Gates, Samuel K., 1822-1889.
Gilbert, James W.
Gillette, John W., collector.
Gleason, Theodore H., 1844-1862.
Goodrich, Edward Payson.
Goodrich, Fred Stanley, 1836-1919.
Gorham, Charles T. 1812-1901.
Grant, Claudius Buchanan, 1835-1921.
Graves family.
Green, Sullivan Dexter, 1833-1889.
Greene, William M., 1840-1863.
Gregory, Richard, 1827-1905.
Griffin, Eli Augustus, 1833-1864.
Griffis, John S., 1829-1864.
Grisson, Samuel, 1819-
Griswold family
Grommon, Frank P., 1840-1905.
Gross, Frank, 1844-
Gulliver, JoAnne Walton, collector.
Gustin family
Guthrie, James W. (James Welch), 1827-1911.


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Hager family.
Hall, Francis Everett, 1840-1866.
Hall, James H., 1839-1924.
Hall, John T.
Hall, Morris Stuart, 1839-1913.
Halliday, E. W.
Hampton, Will E., 1864-1959.
Harrison William H.
Harter, Mathias, 1826-1907.
Hartsuff family.
Hatch, Edward Walker, 1843-1916.
Hathaway, Albert L.
Hathaway, Arthur B., 1840-1884.
Hayden family
Haydon, Charles B., 1834-1864.
Heald, Warren E., 1839-
Helle, William F.
Hemingway, Luther, 1837-
Hempstead, Henry Mortimer, 1832-1916.
Herrick, Josiah, 1843-1863.
Herriman, Sidney H., 1843-
Hill, Charles L.
Hodskin, Charles Horace, 1837-1905.
Hoffman, Samuel J., 1843-
Horton, N. N. (Newman N.)
Houghton, James
Houghton, William, 1820-1886.
Howe, George N., b. 1836.
Howe, Simeon A.
Howell family.
Howell, Seymour, 1841-1909.
Hoyt, Anna.
Hubbell, Theodore, 1897-1989.
Hudson, Charles F., 1838-
Hulbert, Rosanna Covey.
Hume, Charles W., 1838-
Hunt, Charles G., 1843-
Hussey family.
Hutchison, William B., d. 1864.


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Innes, Robert Strachan., 1834-
Irwin family.


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Jackson, Walter Hinckley, 1840-1930.
Janney family.
Jelley, Edward, 1839-1917.
Jenkins, Permelia E.
Jessup, Joseph, 1840-
Johnson, Benjamin C.
Jones, Thankful O. (Thankful Olivia), 1814-1894.


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Kapp family.
Kay, John B., 1841-1864-
Keeler family.
Keeler, Dexter D., 1836-
Kelley, A. H.
Kemp, Joseph.
Kendall, David Walbridge, 1903-1976.
Kent, Daniel, 1839-1898.
Kidd, James Harvey, 1840-1913.
Kimmell, Samuel B.
King family
Kingsley family.


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Ladies Soldiers' Aid Society (Grand Haven, Mich.)
Lehman family
Lemon, George W.
Lerich family.
Leutheuser, Margaret, collector.
Lewis, John, 1845-1941.
Lewis, William Augustus, 1825-1917.
Limbarker, William E., 1835-1863.
Littlefield family.
Littlefield, Daniel W., d. 1864.
Lockley, George, b. 1836.
Lockwood family.
Long, Dwight C., collector.
Longyear, John Wesley, 1820-1875.
Loud, Rienzi, 1837-1896.
Love, John C., 1844-1875.
Lowell family.
Lowing, Stephen Lampman, 1817-1891.
Lyon, Sanford W., 1838-
Lyon, Solomon T., 1835-1890.


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Macumber family
Maes, Jotham Ward.
Mains, Lorraine C. (Lorraine Cochrane).
Maltman, John S., 1840-
March, Edwin J.
Marr family
Martin, James, b. ca. 1842.
Martin, John F.
Mason family.
Mattoon, Gershom W.
McArthur, Reuben.
McBride, James G., b. 1844
McClelland, Robert, 1807-1880.
McCreery family
McCumsey, Thomas C., b. 1841 or 1842.
McGraw, Alexander H., b. 1840.
McKibbin, May E.
Mead, Charles.
Mead, R. T. (Richard Titus), 1839-1900.
Meyer, Edward.
Military Order Of The Loyal Legion Of The United States. Michigan Commandery
Mills, Clark E.
Mills, Elon G., b. 1843
Mills, Ephraim.
Millspaugh, David, 1832-1865.
Milnes, Alfred, 1849-1921.
Miner family.
Minor, Robert B. (Robert Blake), 1834-1905.
Mix, Elisha, 1818-1898.
Mogk, George C., 1832-
Monaghan family.
Monroe, Nathan, 1838-
Monteith, John, 1788-1868.
Moore family
Moore, Orlando, 1827-1890.
Morey, John Rising, 1844-1897.
Morgan, Angela, 1874-1957.
Morris, Wayne E., 1836-
Mosher, Raycide.
Moulton, Charles Henry, 1835?-1916.
Muncy, Ralph W. (Ralph Waldo), 1902-
Munger, Melvin.
Munroe, David Smalley.
Myres, Eli.


(back to top)
Neer, Henry, 1836-1865.
Ness, Nina L.
Newton family
Nichoson, John W, 1848-
Noah family.
Noble, Alfred, 1844-1914.
Noble, Henry G., 1842-
Noll, Conrad, 1836-
Norris family
North, S. Jack (Samson Jackson)


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O'Brien family.
O'Harrow family
Oberlin, Henry, d. 1864.


(back to top)
Packard, Randall P.
Parker, Silas L.
Parkhurst, John Gibson, 1824-1906.
Parks, James Madison, 1835-1906.
Parrish, Lester.
Parshall family.
Patterson, John C., 1838-1910.
Pearson, Stephen, 1841-1883.
Peel, Charles, 1839-
Penland, Hiram F., 1841-
Perry family
Phelps, Edgar A., d. 1864.
Phelps, Jessie, 1870-1957.
Phillips, Horace, 1846-1917.
Pillsbury, W. B. (Walter Bowers), 1872-1960.
Pistorius, Frederick
Pitcher, Zina, 1797-1872.
Pomeroy, Augustus, 1837-
Poor, D. M. (David M.)
Post family.
Potter, Henry Albert, 1840-
Pratt, Curtis Z., 1837-1895.
Prentiss, Charles H.
Prescott, A. B. (Albert Benjamin), 1832-1905.
Preston family.
Preston, Jacob.
Price, Charles A., 1837-
Putnam family


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Ralph, Alfred, 1840-
Ralph, Oscar, 1845-1863.
Randall, William H., 1844-
Rankin, David Carson, ?-1908.
Ransom, Ezra, b. 1836.
Raymond, William E.
Read, Thomas, d. 1896.
Reed, David, 1841 or 2-1862.
Reed, Lafayette M., 1832-1864.
Reed, Seth, 1823-1924.
Renick, John H., 1838-1884.
Richards family
Richardson, Jonas D., 1839-1864.
Ripley, Lauren, 1838-
Robbins, Jerome John, 1841-1921.
Robbins, Richard B., 1831-
Robins, Jonathan, 1842-1865.
Robinson family
Robinson, Edmund, 1826-1865.
Robinson, George D. (George Dorgue), d. 1873.
Root, Randolph.
Roseberry, Isaac, 1832-
Rowe family
Russell, Allen S.
Russell, Eli, 1834-1865.
Russell, Francis Granger, b. 1837.
Ryder family


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Sadler, Silas W., 1843-
Safford, Benjamin D., 1837-1920.
Sawyer, Edward A.
Schmalzriedt family
Seage, Henry Stark, d. 1899.
Setright, John T., 1839-
Shaffer, George T., 1822-1893.
Shafter, William Rufus, 1835-1906.
Shattuck, Lucius L., 1836-1863.
Shaw family
Shaw, John
Shay, Ephraim, 1839-1916.
Shearman, Francis Willett, 1817-1874.
Sheldon family
Shepard, Irwin W., 1843-1916.
Slayton family
Sleight, William E.
Sligh family
Smith, Emerson R.
Smith, Henry Parker, 1826-1898.
Smith, John A.
Smith, Peter, d. 1864.
Smith, Sidney, 1800-1844.
Smithe family.
Snively, Abraham, b. 1817.
Soldiers' Aid Society of Kalamazoo.
Soule, Harrison, 1832-1922.
Southworth, Samuel D., d. 1864.
Spalding family.
Spalding, Wilbur F., 1834-1864.
Spaulding, De Witt C., b. 1841 or 2.
Spaulding, Oliver Lyman, 1833-1922
Spencer, Festus E.
Sprague, Levi C.
Squier family.
Stanard family
Starr, Eli Lake, 1841-1862.
Stekete, Peter, 1844-
Stevens, William Collin, 1837-1921.
Stewart family (Shiawassee County, Mich.)
Stockton, T. B. W. (Thomas Baylis Whitmarsh), 1805-1890.
Stone family.
Sudborough, Joseph E., 1842 or 3-1864.
Sutton family
Sutton, John A., 1840-1862.
Swift, Nellie
Swigart, John T., b. 1845.
Swihart, Leon R., collector.


(back to top)
Taggart family.
Taylor, Edward Henry Courtney, 1840-
Thomas, Calvin, 1854-1919.
Thomas, Nathan M. (Nathan Macy), 1803-1887.
Thompson, Milton, b. 1829.
Tibbles, George H.
Todd family.
Torrey, George D., 1842-1862.
Tower family.
Tower, Isaac Lewis, 1842-1915.
Townsend, George W.
Travis family
Trego, David R., 1835-
Trembley, Oliver C., 1841-
Trill, Samuel, 1838-
Trowbridge, L. S. (Luther Stephen), 1836-1911.
Tucker, John, 1840-1862.
Tucker, Stephen Davis, 1818-1902.
Tuttle, James Gilmore, 1839-1906.
Tuttle, William H., 1827-1903.


(back to top)
United States. Adjutant General's Office.
United States. Army. Michigan Artillery Regiment, 6th (1863-1865)
United States. Army. Michigan Artillery Regiment, 6th (1863-1865). Company B.
United States. Army. Michigan Artillery Regiment, 6th (1863-1865). Company F
United States. Army. Michigan Artillery Regiment, 6th (1863-1865). Company I.
United States. Army. Michigan Cavalry Regiment, 4th (1862 1865)
United States. Army. Michigan Cavalry Regiment, 7th (1862-1865). Company A
United States. Army. Michigan Infantry Regiment, 11th (1861 1864)
United States. Army. Michigan Infantry Regiment, 12th (1862-1866). Company E.
United States. Army. Michigan Infantry Regiment, 16th (1861 1865)
United States. Army. Michigan Infantry Regiment, 1st (1861 1865). Company F
United States. Army. Michigan Infantry Regiment, 1st (1861-1865)
United States. Army. Michigan Infantry Regiment, 27th (1863-1865)
United States. Army. Michigan Infantry Regiment, 2nd (1861-1865). Company C.
United States. Army. Michigan Infantry Regiment, 4th (1861-1864). Company H
United States. Army. Michigan Infantry Regiment, 7th (1861-1865). Company B.
United States. Army. Michigan Sharpshooters Regiment, 1st (1863-1865). Company H.
University of Michigan. Dept. of Medicine and Surgery.
Upjohn family.


(back to top)
Van Antwerp, William W., 1833-1887
Van Hoosen, Joshua, b. 1830.
Van Riper, Charles A., 1821-1900.
Van Tyne, Helen Belfield Bates.
Van Valin family
Van Vlack family
Vande Vusse, Ray.
Vandenburgh, W. Joseph
Visher, Harvey L.
Vosburgh, Wash.
Vreeland family.


(back to top)
Wallace, Elmer D.
Walter, Sydney, 1842-
Warner, Harvey L., 1834-1864.
Washtenaw County (Mich.)
Washtenaw County Historical Society.
Waterbury, John C., 1815-1894.
Watkins, Lydia, 1819-1909.
Watson, Edward Michael, 1840-1906.
Watts, Richard A., 1838-
Webb family.
Weener, Walter, d. 1862.
Weissert, John, 1828-1883.
Wells family
Wheeler, Cyrus B.
White, Aaron B., b. 1837 or 38.
White, Rollin N., d. 1864.
White, Wellington.
Whitehead family.
Whiteside, John C.
Whittemore family.
Willett family
Williams, Alpheus S. (Alpheus Starkey), 1810-1878.
Williams, Thomas H., 1844-1911.
Willson, James Caldwell, 1833-1912.
Wilson, Ellen
Winchell, Alexander, 1824-1891.
Winship family.
Winship, John
Wisner, Moses, 1815-1863
Withington, William Herbert, 1835-1903.
Wittum, Marion, 1843-
Woodbury, Dwight A., 1826-1862.
Woodbury, George E., 1840-
Woodruff, Charles, 1843-1868.
Woodruff, D. O. (David Oliphant)
Woodworth, George Porter.
Wright, Allen G.
Wright, Dean C.
Wright, Zenos Russell


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Yates, John B., 1833-
Young, Eugene D. (Eugene Deverny), 1843-1916.
Young, Sylvester L.