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Michigan in the Civil War

Haydon, Charles B., 1834-1864.

Charles B. Haydon, from his papers

Seventeen diaries (1861-1864) written while he was serving in Company I, 2nd Michigan Infantry. He rose from sergeant to lieutenant colonel before his death from pneumonia, March 14, 1864. These extremely interesting and informative diaries describe camp life and duties; discuss morals and morale of soldiers and officers; and probe his own innermost thoughts and feelings concerning the war. He voices high praise for some officers and bitter criticism of others. He describes cities, country and historic sites; gives vivid resumes of battles and campaigns such as First and Second Bull Run, the Peninsular campaign of 1862; Fredericksburg, Kentucky and Tennessee, 1863; and the battle of Jackson, Miss., where he was seriously wounded July 11, 1863. The November 21, 1861 entry gives an excellent description of Lincoln visiting the troops. There is also a description of Fort Wayne and the steamboat Mississippi. Haydon was from Hamilton, Mich.

This collection is available on microfilm for interlibrary loan.

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