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Michigan in the Civil War

Boughton, John C., 1836-1894.

John C. Boughton, from his papers

Boughton was a businessman in Novi, Traverse City, and Bay City, Mich., and served with Company G, 2nd Michigan Infantry. He rose from sergeant in 1861 to lieutenant colonel in 1865. He was made brevet major for conspicuous gallantry in the assault on Fort Stedman, Va. His papers contain a variety of miscellaneous military documents including court martial records, a letter dated Dec.22, 1861, a letter, March 19, 1865, from Frederick Schneider written after his parole from Confederate prison, and a letter, March 27, 1865, to Major C. A. Lounsberry describing the attack on Fort Stedman.

This collection is available on microfilm for interlibrary loan.