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Michigan in the Civil War

Monteith, John, 1788-1868.

Rev. John Monteith, Jr., and Major George Monteith, from the John Monteith papers

The papers of this Presbyterian minister in Elyria, Ohio, Detroit and Blissfield,Mich., professor at Hamilton College, and first president of the University of Michigan include letters from two soldiers:

Edwin Harris Monteith (regiment unidentified). One letter (Jan. 17, 1865) written to his sister from headquarters, Second Brigade, First Division, Fifth Army Corps (Army of the Potomac), gives a good description of officers' quarters and of a proposed brigade church.

George Monteith, of Adrian, Mich. Sixteen letters (June 19, 1861-March 24, 1862) written to his parents. He describes his office duties and picket guard mounting, a humorous parade by the soldiers of the 44th New York Infantry and a steamer trip from Washington to Hampton with special reference to the devastation at Hampton. He tells of General McClellan's visit to camp, and criticizes Senator Chandler. Monteith was a first lieutenant in Company G, 4th Michigan Infantry; aide-de-camp on the staff of General Porter; captain in Company E; acting assistant adjutant general, Second Brigade, First Division, Fifth Army Corps; captain and assistant adjutant general in U.S. Volunteers.

The collection also includes two letters (July 20 and 22, 1861) of John Monteith, Jr.,a civilian, written from Washington, D.C., and describing the aftermath of the first battle of Bull Run.

This collection is available on microfilm for interlibrary loan.

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