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Michigan in the Civil War

Tower, Isaac Lewis, 1842-1915.

Tower was a resident of Oakfield Township, Kent County, Mich., who served in Company C, 13th Michigan Infantry. The collection contains 12 letters (Sept. 1864-May 1865) from Tower's cousin Eustace W. Tower, a soldier in the 13th Battery of Michigan Artillery, describing garrison duty near Washington, D.C., and the search for the assassins of Abraham Lincoln, one letter (Mar. 17, 1863) from Isaac Tower to his father from Murfreesboro, and letters written by other members of the 13th Michigan Infantry to Tower after he was wounded at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, 1863 and separated from his company, describing their activities in Tennessee and Georgia. Letter writers include:

Edward L. Bennett, of Kent County, Mich., a sergeant in Company C. One letter (June 13, 1864).

George L. Carthey, unidentified, but apparently a member of Company C. Seven letters (May 5-Dec. 18, 1864, and Apr. 3, 1865).

William H. Clark, of Jackson, Mich., a member of Company A. One letter (May 27, 1864).

Chyler B. Davis, of Oakfield, Mich., a member of Company L, 1st Michigan Cavalry. (Mar. 12, 1865) written from Camp Remount, Pleasant Valley, Md.

Crandel A. Kenyon, of Cannon, Mich., a member of Company C. One letter (May 25, 1864).

Abner B. Martin, of Vergennes, Mich., a member of Company C. Two letters (July 18 and Aug. 30, 1864).

Jack Martin, unidentified, but probably a member of the 13th Michigan Infantry. One letter (May 18, 1864).

E. Bradley McArthur, of Kent County, Mich., a member of Company C. Two letters (Jan. 17 and Feb. 3, 1863)written from near Murfreesboro and describing the battle there.

Henry Newton, of Otsego, Mich., a sergeant in Company I. One letter (Feb. 5, 1863).

Walter Pullman, of Allegan, Mich., a member of Company C. One letter (Jan. 5, 1865).

Edmund S. Randall, of Oakfield, Mich., a member of Company C. Two letters (Jan. 3 and Apr. 1, 1865).

Nelson B. Rich, of Oakfield, Mich., a member of Company B, 25th Michigan Infantry. One letter (Aug. 4, 1864) written from a hospital in Kingston, Ga.

Silas A. Yerkes, of Lowell, Mich., captain of Company C. One letter (Mar. 2, 1864) written from Lowell.