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Michigan in the Civil War

Child, Putnam H.

Putnam H. Child served as a corporal in Company M, 9th Michigan Cavalry (enlisted Dec. 25, 1862, mustered Jan. 8, 1863) and later served as first lieutenant and captain in Company F, 1st United States Colored Heavy Artillery (discharged March 21, 1866). He enlisted from Albion, Mich., and later lived in Detroit. Child married Lizzie Creswell, a teacher in a Freedmen's school in Knoxville, Tenn. The collection includes letters written by Child to family members, mainly his sister Bessie Child, describing his experiences during the Civil War. The collection also includes letters from soldiers Charles H. Watson, Company E, 6th Michigan Infantry (Dec. 14, 1861) and George W. Walsworth, Company F, 8th Vermont Infantry (May 8, 1862 and Dec. 14, 1863), and other letters from family members. The collection consists of digital copies (pdf) of the letters.