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Michigan in the Civil War

Noble, Henry G., 1842-

Five diaries, and ninety-six letters (1862-1865) written to his fiancée while he was serving in Company B, 19th Michigan Infantry. In the letters there are many descriptions: camp life and duties; recreation; punishment; foraging; army wagons; equipment carried on a march; the capture of his regiment; river travel on the Ohio; Fort Jones; skirmishes, especially with Wheeler's raiders; battles of Chickamauga, Goldsboro, and the siege of Atlanta; the Stones River battlefield; cities, such as Charleston, S.C., Fayetteville, Raleigh and an exhibition at the Deaf, Dumb and Blind School, and Savannah; the devastation at McMinnville, plundering by Sherman's army, and the destruction of Columbia, S.C., with his attitude towards this destruction; the surrender of Lee and negotiations with Johnston; and the Grand Review. He comments on the Sanitary Commission, the Christian Commission, and the Soldiers Relief Association, and occasionally expresses his own attitude towards the war. Noble was from Martin, Mich.

The collection also includes eight letters (1862-1863) of Cyrus B. Wheeler, written while he was serving in Company B, 19th Michigan Infantry. While at Camp Wilcox, Dowagiac, he tells about guard duty, dress parade, discipline in camp, and the colonel's dining room. In other letters he describes a Christmas spent in exploring a cave near Nicholasville, Ky.; river travel on the Ohio; destruction of a Secesh home; and picket duty. Wheeler died of wounds received in action at Golgotha, Ga., June, 1864.

This collection is available on microfilm for interlibrary loan.