Michigan in the Civil War
Spalding family.

Cyrus M. Stockwell, from Cyrus M. Stockwell photograph collection
The papers of this Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., family contain papers of many family members, but for the Civil War period are chiefly the papers of William P. Spalding and his wife Miranda Sexton Spalding.
William P. Spalding served as quartermaster of the 27th Michigan Infantry, 1862-1864. Eighty letters (Sept. 21, 1862 and 27 weekly letters Sept. 13, 1863-Apr. 14, 1864, also on microfilm 52 weekly or twice weekly letters Sept. 22, 1862-Aug. 28, 1863) to his wife; also various official communications and orders. In the Sept. 26, 1863 letter he describes the Tennessee campaign: people, terrain, and marches. On Nov. 12, 1863 he gives an account of fighting in East Tennessee. On Apr. 7, 1864 he comments on the problem of deserters and secessionist sentiment in Baltimore, Md., through which he passed.
Robert S. Baker, formerly captain of Company F, 27th Michigan Infantry. One letter (Sept. 26, 1864) from Port Huron to William P. Spalding. Part of this letter seems to be from Bob Ridley, who has not been identified.
Daniel G. Cash, of Ontonagon, Mich., who served as captain of Company A, 27th Michigan Infantry. One letter (Nov. 11, 1864) comments on his experiences as a Confederate prisoner.
William A. Childs, of Copper Harbor, Mich., commissary sergeant and later (beginning Sept. 1864) first lieutenant with Company A, 27th Michigan Infantry. Fifteen letters (May 25, 1864-Jan. 23, 1865) from Virginia to Lt. Spaulding. The July 27, 1864 letter describes Black troops and their behavior in the Battle of the Crater before Petersburg.
Jonathan E. Davis, of Macomb County, Mich., who served as assistant surgeon with the 27th Michigan Infantry. One letter (June 26, 1863) to Lt. Spalding from Campbellsville, Ky.
J. B. Dibeler, captain with the 45th Pennsylvania Infantry. One letter (Feb. 15, 1864) to William Spalding.
Henry W. Greenough, who served in the 1st Connecticut Cavalry. Six letters (Jan. 9, Jan. 16, Feb. 22, Mar. 8, Mar. 18, Apr. 2, 1864) to Rev. J. A. Sexton, a brother of Miranda Spalding.
Benjamin S. Johnston, of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., who served with Company K, 1st Michigan Infantry. Two letters (Apr. 29 and Aug. 21, 1862) to William P. Spaulding.
Edward S. Leadbetter, of Detroit, Mich., captain of Company G, 27th Michigan Infantry. One letter (Mar. 20, 1864) to Lt. Spalding from headquarters, 9th Army Corps, Cincinnati.
Charles S. Lively, nephew of Miranda Spalding. One letter (Apr. 10, 1864) from Augusta, Ill., to Miranda describing hard conditions in Texas during the war. Mary B. Lively, sister of Miranda Spalding. Two letters (Feb. 17 and Apr. 28, 1861) from Padre Island, Texas, to her parents, and one letter (May 10, 1864) from Mustang Island to Miranda describing the impact of the Civil War there. Also two letters (July 28 and Aug. 21, 1864) from Sparta, Ill., to her sister giving a detailed account of conditions in Texas and the impact of slavery on non-slaveholders.
Robert H. McQuaid, of Belleville, Mich., quartermaster sergeant and later (beginning Oct. 1864) 2nd lieutenant with Company K, 29th Michigan Infantry. Seven letters (Aug. 25, 1863-Dec. 23, 1864) to Lt. Spaulding.
John Menadue, of Rockland, Mich., who served with Company A, 27th Michigan Infantry. One document (Aug. 16, 1863) titled "Stanzas on the death of Brig. General Thomas Welch of Penn. By a member of a regt. of his division" and one letter (Jan. 9, 1864) to William P. Spalding.
H. A. Phillips, lieutenant in Company A, 1st Connecticut Cavalry. (Aug. 1, 1864) from south of Petersburg to J. A. Sexton.
John H. Richardson, of Tuscola, Mich., lieutenant colonel of the 27th Michigan Infantry during 1863. Four letters (Nov. 14, 1863-Sept. 8, 1864) to his friend William Spalding. The Nov. 14, 1863 letter, written from Tuscola County, Mich., describes problems of raising men and the draft and good business conditions. On March 17, 1864 he gives news of former members of the regiment. On Aug. 19, 1864 he comments on the problems of the draft, particularly for those who have already served.
Bob Ridley. See Robert Baker.
Edwin Sexton, of Augusta, Ill., brother of Miranda Spalding, who served in Company L, 2nd Illinois Cavalry. Thirteen letters (Oct. 2, 1861-June 23, 1864). In the June 12, 1863, letter he tells of his brother John's service in the rebel army and of his capture.
John Sexton, a Confederate soldier with an unidentified Alabama regiment and prisoner. Three letters (Mar. 20, Apr. 26, May 14, 1863) from Camp Douglas, Ill., to his sister Miranda Spalding, describe his capture by the Union Army, his desire to be released, and news of the Sexton family in Alabama.
William Spaulding, a civilian. One letter (Sept. 15, 1862) from Memphis.
Thomas S. Sprague, colonel who organized the 27th Michigan Infantry. Two letters (Sept. 9, 1863 and June 26, 1864) from Saginaw to William P. Spalding.
W. S. Sprague. One letter (Sept. 20, 1864) from Saginaw to William Spalding regarding the draft.
Cyrus M. Stockwell, of Port Huron, Mich., surgeon with the 27th Michigan Infantry. Four letters (Aug. 27, 1863-June 20, 1864) to William Spalding.
Daniel S. Tompkins, of Port Huron, Mich., first lieutenant in company F, 27th Michigan Infantry. One letter (Sept. 16, 1864) from Parks Station, Va., to William Spalding.
Benjamin E. Yarnold, of Houghton, Mich., who served as assistant surgeon with the 27th Michigan Infantry. One letter (Dec. 14, 1864) to Lt. Spalding.
No name. One document (Aug. 25, 1863) contains a "continuation" of a history of the 27th Michigan Infantry, including the dissension in the regiment and the condemnation of Col. Fox.
This collection is available on microfilm for interlibrary loan.