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Michigan in the Civil War

Flanders, Edwin P.

The papers of this Galesburg, Mich., farmer include letters from two soldiers:

Eugene H. Bronson. One letter (June 2, 1863) written from Murfreesboro to E. P. Flanders. In it he praises commanders of the Western armies and criticizes those of the Potomac as well as Congress. He describes the farm lands of Tennessee, and gives details of a successful attack on a Rebel camp. Bronson, from Comstock, Mich., was a sergeant in Company C, 4th Michigan Cavalry. He died of disease at Nashville, Tenn.

William C. Swaddle. Twelve letters written to E. P. Flanders. These letters are in phonotypy and are not transcribed. Swaddle was a sergeant in Company G, Michigan Engineers and Mechanics, 1861; discharged for disability in Oct., 1862; re-entered the service in Company F, Michigan Engineers and Mechanics in Dec., 1863; and died at Nashville in July, 1864. He was from Galesburg, Mich.