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Michigan in the Civil War

Todd family.

Joseph L. Carlisle, from Charles Woodruff papers

The papers of Fred P. Todd and his son, J. Beecher Todd, of Detroit, Mich., include eight letters (May 17, 1863-Jan. 18. 1865) of Joseph L. Carlisle, a relative from Berrien County, who served in Company C, 25th Michigan Infantry. The collection also includes one letter (June 12, 1862) from Dan Skeback of the 61st Ohio Infantry, written in verse, from Camp Bowen, W. Va., and one letter (Apr. 11, 1864) from an unidentified soldier who's initials are I.W.G., a member of the band of the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 9th Army Corps, written from Annapolis, Md.

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