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Michigan in the Civil War

Southworth, Samuel D., d. 1864.

Photocopies of five letters written to his family while he was serving in Battery B, 5th U.S. Artillery, 1861-1862. In Washington he saw a review of the troops by the President and General Scott; visited the House and Senate; and toured the city. At Arlington Heights, when on picket duty, he said, "We was so close to them we called each other all the names you ever heard and some that I would rather you would not hear. ... We all felt good, talked, laughed and told stories, and ate peaches, apples and mellons." He couldn't send money home because he had to buy an oil cloth pocket case with spoon, knife and fork, tooth brush, razor, comb, clothes brush. He did his washing. He wrote of the battle of Williamsburg; and said, "In all this great army you can't find one soldier that has not the greatest confidence possible in our brave commander, Gen. McClellan. We all love him." Southworth was from Hudson, Mich.