Michigan in the Civil War
Browse by Name: Hager, Phineas
Hager family.
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Henry Stark from Milton Chase papers
The papers of the family of Phineas A. and Sabra Hager of Otsego, Mich., include ninety letters (1861-1864) written by Phineas Hager to his wife in which he tells of camp life and duties in the army of the Cumberland, the weather, food, sickness, and news of the Otsego men in his regiment. He comments on the death of his stepson, William White, on bushwhackers, slavery and the Southern people, and on the officers in his regiment. He describes the fighting before Atlanta in which action he was killed. Much of each letter is given over to home and business affairs. Hagar was a sergeant in Company B, 19th Michigan Infantry.
The collection also includes letters of several other soldiers, most of them from Otsego, Mich.:
Richard W. Duncan. A letter (May 10, 1863) written to Mrs. Hager about the death of her son William White. Duncan was then a sergeant in Company G, 6th Michigan Infantry. He was killed in action at Port Hudson, La., June 30, 1863.
Samuel M. Hubbard. One letter (Aug. 8, 1864) written to Mrs. Hager concerning the death of her husband. Hubbard enlisted in Company B, 19th Michigan Infantry, as second lieutenant, in 1862, and rose to captain in 1863. He was wounded in action May 28, 1864, and resigned on account of disability in November.
John N. Shafter, of Galesburg, Mich. One letter (Sept. 2, 1864) written to Mrs. Hager concerning the death of her husband. Shafter was sergeant major and captain in the 19th Michigan Infantry.
Henry Stark. Three letters (1861-1864). Two are to Sergeant Hager, in one of which he answers Hager's questions concerning Captain Eli Griffin. The third letter is to Mrs. Hager and concerns the death of her son, William White. Stark was first lieutenant and captain in Company G, 6th Michigan Infantry.
William H. White. Twenty-five letters (1861-1862) written to his mother and his stepfather in which he describes camps Fort Wayne and McKim and camp life and duties; ship transportation to other camps such as Ship Island and Baton Rouge; and a Thanksgiving dinner. He tells about food and exchanging food with the natives, picket duty, sickness, and the use of contrabands in camp. He comments on officers and on slavery. White enlisted in Company G, 6th Michigan Infantry, as first lieutenant in 1861 and died at Carrollton, La., in October, 1862.
This collection is available on microfilm for interlibrary loan.