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Michigan in the Civil War

Browse by Name: Seeger, M. (or Matthew Seegar)

Bates, Charles F. (Charles Franklin)

This collections is available online.

Bates was a Dexter, Mich., farmer. His papers include microfilm copies of letters from a number of soldiers, most of them from the Dexter area. They include:

Charles H. Barlow, of Livingston County, Mich. Three letters (June-Aug.1861) written while he was serving in Company K, 4th Michigan Infantry.There is a good description of the retreat at Bull Run in the Aug. 3 letter.

Henry C. Bates. Three letters (Feb.-Apr. 1864) written while he was serving as fireman on the U.S. Steamer Silver Cloud. He tells of the engagement of two gunboats, the Silver Cloud and the New Era, with Forrest's and Morgan's forces, and of the loss of life. He also speaks of gunboats on the Red River capturing cotton.

Alexander B. Crane. Three letters (July-Sept. 1861 and Jan. 1862) written while he was serving in Company K, 4th Michigan Infantry.

Eric D. House. Four letters (1861-62) written while he was serving in Company K, 4th Michigan Infantry. He tells of battles from Fortress Monroe to EastPort, Va., and of the wound he received at the battle of Malvern Hill.

E. Lyman Kellogg. One letter written in Aug., 1861 while he was serving in Company K, 4th Michigan Infantry.

George B. Perry. One letter written June 10, 1863 from Armory Square Hospital, Washington. Perry was in Company D, 20th Michigan Infantry.

M. Seeger (or Matthew Seegar), of Saline, Mich. One letter written March, 1863 while he was serving in the 20th Michigan Infantry.

Heman Smith. Two letters written in Oct., 1861 while he was serving in Company K, 4th Michigan Infantry.

George H. Wilhelm, of Iosco, Mich. Six letters (1862-64) written while he was serving in Company B, 26th Michigan Infantry. He writes mostly of camp life and of the weather. One letter tells of recruiting in Grand Rapids.