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Michigan in the Civil War

Browse by Name: Warner, Harvey L.

Warner, Harvey L., 1834-1864.

This collections is available online.

Four letters (July 10, 1861-Aug. 14, 1863), the first written from a camp near Washington. He relates the rumor concerning President Lincoln's offer to take the South back into the Union for sixty million dollars, and tells of General Scott's manner of drilling and sending regiments to the front. Warner, of Lenawee County, Mich., enlisted in Company B, 4th Michigan Infantry, in 1861. He was taken prisoner in 1862, but re-enlisted and was put on detached service with Company B, 1st Michigan Infantry. Wounded and taken prisoner before Petersburg, he died of his wounds July 28, 1864.

The collection also includes one letter (Nov. 6, 1864) from Warner's brother, William R. Warner, written from Decatur, Ala. William R. Warner served in Company C, 18th Michigan Infantry, and died Apr. 18, 1865.

This collection is available on microfilm for interlibrary loan.