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Michigan in the Civil War

Browse by Name: Poor, D. M. (David M.)

Poor, D. M. (David M.)

A letter from Camp Douglas, Ill. (Oct. 13, 1861) to his sister in Manchester, Mich., in which he says, "I like camp life full as well as I expected, yet it is no life for a young man to live." There are about 700 men in camp and 200 horses. He expresses his religious beliefs when told of a death in the family. He wants a furlough, but can't get one unless he brings recruits back with him saying, "and now if you know anyone that wants to serve their country by joining a Regt. of Cavalry situated in Chicago, I will come after them and make you all a visit." Poor, from Kewanee, Ill., served in Company H, 9th Illinois Cavalry.