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Michigan in the Civil War

Browse by Name: Thompson, James O.

Pillsbury, W. B. (Walter Bowers), 1872-1960.

The papers of this professor of psychology at University of Michigan include letters of several of his ancestors and other persons who served in the Civil War, most of them in unidentified regiments, probably from Maine:

William Bowers, who served in Company K, 7th Maine Infantry. About 30 letters (June 1861-Sept. 1862) including descriptions of the battles of Gaines' Mill and Antietam.

C. C. Cole, who served in Company I, 17th Maine Infantry. One letter (Nov. 18, 1863).

Nahum Pillsbury. Seven letters (Oct. 1862-Oct. 1863).

William H. H. Pillsbury. Nine letters (May-Dec. 1863).

James O. Thompson. One letter (Apr. 16, 1863).

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