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Michigan in the Civil War

Browse by Name: Brainerd, Elmina

Norris family

The papers of the family of Mark Norris and Roccena Vaill Norris of Ypsilanti, Mich., contain several letters relating to the Civil War, within the correspondence of Mrs. Norris:

Mrs. Elmina Brainerd. A letter (Apr. 22, 1864) written from Washington, D.C., in which Mrs. Brainerd (Visiting Agent) lists the articles given out in one day by the Michigan Soldiers' Relief Association to soldiers who are in the hospitals there. She also comments on the war and women's part in it, and on the South and slave labor.

John Burgoyne, of Woodhull, Mich. Five letters (1863-1864) written from Nashville and Atlanta. He tells of sickness and casualties in the regiment, criticizes the doctors, makes comments about the officers and a statement about raids around Atlanta in which railroads are destroyed. Burgoyne was in Company K, 14th Michigan Infantry, 1861-1865.

Andrew B. Knapp. Ten letters (1862-1866) written to his aunt Mrs. Norris, of Ypsilanti. He tells of a long march through Virginia and of the attitude of the mountain people along the way; mentions the forts around Washington and describes the beauties of the city; tells about Austin, Texas, and its freemen, with critical comments on the government's policy towards the freemen; criticizes General Sturgis and his conduct at Gun Town, Miss. In 1862, he was in First Brigade, Second Division, Second Army Corps of Virginia, but his regiment has not been identified.

Mrs. Laura Plumb. Three letters (May-June, 1864) written from Washington. She tells about the soldiers in the hospitals there and the care being given them, both Union and Rebel; how the Michigan Soldiers' Relief Association and its workers are financed; and about the city of Washington and Mrs. Brainerd and her work.

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