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Michigan in the Civil War

Browse by Name: Harrison, Charles V.

Harrison William H.

The collection of this resident of Republic, Seneca County, Ohio, includes family correspondence in which there are five letters written from his brother Charles V. Harrison (March 1862-June 1863). He tells of a scouting expedition over bad roads, through thickets, and over mountains. They capture a company of home guards and plunder a Rebel store. In the June 17, 1862 letter he describes a battle and tells of the wounded and killed from his company. Harrison was in Company G, 25th Ohio Infantry, and was killed at Gettysburg.

The collection also includes one letter written by Thomas Tulley from Savannah, Tenn., April 14, 1862 to W. H. Harrison, which tells of a battle near Savannah. Tulley served in Company A, 3rd Ohio Cavalry.

The collection includes originals and transcripts of the letters, as well as a partial subject index.