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Michigan in the Civil War

Browse by Name: Case, Rollin Seward

University of Michigan. Dept. of Medicine and Surgery.

This collection contains theses written by University of Michigan medical students. Ten of the theses were written based on medical experiences during the Civil War:

Abiel Wood Kennedy Andrews, who served as acting assistant surgeon at a military hospital in Alexandria, Va. His thesis "Pyemia" (1865) includes case histories of blood-poisoning resulting from battle wounds.

John Howard Bacheler, who served in Company G, 23rd Michigan Infantry, 1862-1865, and as assistant surgeon, 1864-1865. His thesis "Malaria, its Source and Effects" (1872) includes an account of a march of the 23rd Infantry in which sanitary measures enforced by R. W. Cummings, assistant surgeon, protected the troops from malarial infections.

Rollin Seward Case. His thesis "Typho-Malarial Fever and its Treatment" (1865) includes observations based on experiences in unidentified military hospitals.

William Fuller, who served as surgeon in the 1st Michigan Infantry, 1863-1865. His thesis "Malingering" (1864) contains practical methods of distinguishing real from feigned illness among soldiers in the field.

Henry Sayles Kilbourne, who served as a medical cadet. His thesis is titled "Chronic Diarrhea as Observed in the United States Army" (1865).

William Henry Martin, who served as assistant surgeon in the 31st U.S. Colored Troops, 1865. His thesis "Scorbutus, its History, Pathology, symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment" (1866) cites experience with epidemics of scurvy in army camps on the southwestern frontier.

Elmore Palmer, who served as surgeon in the 29th Michigan Infantry, 1865. His thesis "Erysipelas, its Treatment and Prophylaxis with Bromide" (1864) describes five cases treated at a Louisville military hospital.

James Alexis Post, who served as surgeon in the 28th Kentucky Infantry. His thesis "Chronic Dislocations, with a Case Reported" (1866) describes the case of a soldier in his regiment, treated at an army camp in Clarksville, Tenn.

George Hoyt Sanford, who served as a private in Company B, McLaughlin's Squadron, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, 1862-1865. His thesis "The Pathology, Cause and Treatment of Chronic Dysentery" (1868) gives statistics on the morbidity and mortality rates of the disease in the Union armies.

Richard Swanton Vickery, who served in Company F, 2nd Michigan Infantry, 1861-1865, and as the regiment's surgeon, 1864-1865. His thesis is titled "The Duties of the Surgeon in Action" (1864).

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