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Michigan in the Civil War

Browse by Name: Haight, Gilbert H.

Ness, Nina L.

Ness was a dealer in manuscript and autograph materials. This collection includes a variety of letters and documents:

Anthony, Herbert: One letter (1861) from Camp Columbia. Anthony, of Bedford, Mich., served in the 39th Illinois Infantry, Company G.

Baron, John: One letter (Dec. 12, 1864) from W. H. Hills in Plaiston, N.H., to Major R. G. Usher relating to the claim of John Baron, prisoner of war, of Company E, 17th Massachusetts Infantry.

Benjamin, John R.: One letter (Oct. 17, 1861) from camp at Annapolis. Benjamin served in the 8th Michigan Infantry, Company G.

Briggs, John H.: Four letters, one (Sept. 16, 1861) from Camp Belden, near Kendallville, Ind., and three(undated) from Schoolcraft. The name is uncertain, and may not be Briggs, and his regiment is unidentified.

Butler, William: One letter (Aug. 10, 1864) from camp before Atlanta, Ga., describes the regiment's movements and Georgia scenes. Butler served in Company L, 9th Michigan Cavalry.

Calkins, Edwin D.: One letter (June 29, 1865) from Nashville, Tenn. Calkins served in Company D, 9th Michigan Infantry.

----, Calvin: Calvin (surname unidentified) was a member of the 11th New Hampshire Infantry. Three letters, two (Feb. 26 and Mar. 21, 1863) from Newport News, Va., and one (Apr. 1,1865) from camp near Hancock Station, Va., which describes battles near Petersburg.

Camp, James W.: One letter to his sister from Nashville (Aug. 23, 1863) in which he spoke of the effort of General Rosecrans to order the regiment to the front, and General Granger insisting he needed the men for guard duty in the city. He told about the presentation of a "splendid" sword to Colonel Spaulding by the officers in the regiment. Camp, from Hillsdale, Mich., was in Company D, 18th Michigan Infantry (1862-1864). He died of disease at Decatur, Ala., August 4, 1864, and was buried in the National Cemetery, Corinth, Miss.

Cram, J. W.: One letter (Sept. 7, 1861) from Camp McClellan. His regiment is unidentified.

Deuel, Rhoda: One letter (July 30, 1865) from Sterling. This letter is written by two people; the first part by Frank, describes his wounding at Petersburg, Apr. 2, 1865. His surname and regiment are unidentified.

Dudley, G. L.: One letter (Mar. 29, 1865) from Raleigh, N.C. Dudley was captain and assistant quartermaster of an unidentified regiment.

Duzenbury, William: One letter (May 5, 1863) from Virginia. Duzenbury served in the 7th Michigan Cavalry, Company K.

----, Elwen: One letter (Apr. 7, 1865) from U.S. Steamer Tallahatchie (hospital boat) off Mobile, Ala., describes the battle of Fort Blakeley. Elwen's surname and regiment are unidentified.

Footer, Henry: One letter (July 27, 1865) from Louisa Court House, Va. Footer was a member of Company I, 67th Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry.

----, Fred: One letter (Sept. 26, 1862) from Upton's Hill, Va. Fred's surname and regiment are unidentified.

Haight, Gilbert H.: One letter (Feb. 21, 1864) from Camp Smith, Nashville, Tenn. Haight served in Company C, 4th Michigan Cavalry.

Hamlin, John A.: One letter (Oct. 21, 1864) from Harts Island, New York Harbor. Hamlin was probably a member of the 23rd U.S. Colored Troops.

----, Henry: Three letters and 1 fragment (Feb. 3-May 7, 1864) from Fort Tillinghast, near Washington, D.C. Henry's surname is unknown. He was a member of the 1st Massachusetts Heavy Artillery.

Hibbard, William: One letter (Sept. 15, 1863) from "near the Rappadan." Hibbard was probably a member of Company F, 7th Michigan Cavalry.

Hubbard, Samuel M.: Partial letter (undated) describing his part in the court-martial of Lieut. John N. Shafter and his relationships with Col. Henry C. Gilbert and Col. William R. Shafter. Hubbard served in Company B, 19th Michigan Infantry.

----, Isaac: One letter (Apr. 1862) from Woodstock, Va., describes the battle of Winchester or Kernstown, Mar. 23, 1862. Isaac's surname and regiment are unidentified.

----, Jamie [civilian]: One letter (July 30, ----) from Lakeville, "I have escaped the draft." Jamie's surname is unidentified.

Jenkins, John: One letter (May 23, 1863) from Hospital, Potomac Creek Bridge, Va. describes the battle of Chancellorsville. Jenkins was assistant surgeon, 49th New York Infantry.

Laurence, George W.: One letter  (Feb. 2, 1863) written to his uncle from Jackson,Tenn. It is really a discourse on the policies of the President in pursuing the war. He says: "The course pursued by the President, although under other circumstances would not only be questionable but even adverse to the principles of the Republican Party, in the present state of affairs I heartedly endorse for the very reason that the course which has been pursued by the South has been such as to forfeit to them all rights of protection whatever. And the only course that is left us, and in this rests our only hope for the restoration of our government is to push the war with the utmost vigor ..." Laurence, from Kalamazoo, Mich., was in Company F, 3rd Michigan Cavalry as quartermaster sergeant, 1861; first sergeant and second lieutenant, 1862; first lieutenant in Company C, then captain in Company G, 1864. He was mustered out, February 12, 1866.

----, Lee: One letter (June 11, 1862) from Moscow, Ky., and one fragment, probably from Moscow, Ky. Lee (surname unidentified) was a member of the 13th Wisconsin Infantry.

McGregor, John D.: One letter (July 22, 1862) from Suffolk, Va., a letter of General Joseph Hanfield to New York Governor E. D. Morgan recommending Lieut. Col. John D. McGregor of the 4th New York Infantry for promotion.

Matthews, Samuel: One letter (Sept. 7, 1861) from camp in Virginia. Matthews, from Ingham County, Mich., served in Company G, 3rd Michigan Infantry.

May, Frank W.: A letter to his mother (Nov. 30, 1861) from Fort Lyons, tells of good food, good quarters, a grand review with Lincoln, McClellan and Seward present. He thinks Alexandria, Washington and Georgetown are populated mostly by rebels. He tells of rebel fences being burned and the horses pastured in the corn fields. May, from Kalamazoo, Mich., served as chaplain in the 2nd Michigan Infantry.

Packard, Alonso: He was in Company G, 3rd Vermont Infantry. One letter (March 12,1864) was written from a camp near Brandy Station. They are on picket duty and doing, lots of drilling. He tells about a march they had been on recently. He mentions the pay and bounty he gets.

Post, William W.: One letter (Feb. 2, 1863) from Fort Snyder &. Fort Carroll Hospital. Post's regiment is unidentified.

Pullman, Paschal A.: One letter (June 4, 1863) from Washington House, Cleveland, Ohio describes leaving home. Pullman served in the 19th Michigan Infantry, Company B.

Putnam, Peter S.: One letter (Dec. 20, 1861) from Camp Benton, St. Louis, Mo. Putnam served in the Merrill Horse.

Sabin, Daniel: One letter (Mar. 18, 1865) from Chattanooga, Tenn. Sabin served in Company D, 9th Michigan Infantry.

Smith, A. K.: One letter (July 21, 1864) from Hospital No. 2, Nashville, Tenn. Smith's regiment is unidentified.

Towsley, Andrew: One letter (Oct. 12, 1863) describes the battle of Chickamauga. Typescript only. Towsley served in the 64th Ohio Infantry.

Tucker, Delivan [civilian]: One letter (Apr. 28, 1864) describes conditions in Nashville, Tenn.

Tunnicliff, Joseph: Miscellanea (1863-1865) of a military physician. Tunnicliff was the Michigan state agent to assist sick and wounded soldiers.

Washburn, C.: One letter (Nov. 27, 1862) from camp near Fredericksburg, Va. Washburn was in Company H of an unidentified regiment

Wood, Daniel: One letter (Mar. 5, 1862) from Tennessee. Woods' regiment is unidentified.

Unidentified letters:

One fragment of a letter (Oct. 5, 1862) from Camp Douglas, Chicago. From a member of Company B of an unidentified regiment, in parole camp after the surrender of Harper's Ferry.

One fragment of a letter (June 10, 1863) from Louisville, Ky. From a member of the 19th Michigan Infantry.

One fragment of a letter (June 21, 1864) from Blockhouse no. 10, near Columbus, Tenn. Probably from a member of the 4th Michigan Cavalry.

One fragment of a letter (Jan. 23, 1865) from Camp Popetaligo Station, S.C. Regiment unidentified.

One letter (June 2, 1865) from New Orleans, signed G. D. C.; describes a pleasure trip from Nashville while waiting to be discharged.

A pass for a scout undated (1862) signed R.G.

"Dixie's Sunny Land," undated poem.

"Sons of freedom listen to me...," poem (June 18, 1864).

Regimental records:

1st Massachusetts Infantry: return of the regiment (Jan. 1864) and clothing allowance register, Company D (Feb. 1864).

1st Michigan Light Artillery, Company A: roster (undated).

3rd Michigan Cavalry: quartermaster records (1861-1862).

4th Michigan Cavalry: muster-out roll of R. Mortimer Buck (Apr. 11, 1864).

9th Michigan Cavalry, Company E: muster rolls (Apr. 30, 1863 and undated).

1st Michigan Engineers and Mechanics: ordnance and other stores records (1863-1865).

13th Michigan Infantry: muster-out roll of a detachment (July 26, 1865).

124th Ohio Infantry, Company F: request for leave by John S. Nimmons (June 6, 1865).