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Michigan in the Civil War

Browse by Name: Fifer, William

Fifer, William.

Eight letters written to his wife while he was serving in Company H, 83rd Indiana Infantry.

On February 15, 1865, they left parole camp in Annapolis on board the steamship Creole for Morehead City. There was fog and wind and the men were seasick. From there they took the cars to New Berne, N. C. to camp, hoping to be sent home. He expressed his views of rebeldom a "heathen" land and a "heathen" people." I wouldn't give one good farm in the north for all that I have seen in the south yet." In March they built breastworks and were engaged in fighting, with casualties and prisoners on both sides; a railroad trip took them to Louisville, Ky. to camp. Earlier he was anxious to get home to help plant corn; then in June he was fuming because he wanted to get home to help in the wheat harvest. But he must stay until mustered out, claiming the delay was because the officers were getting good pay and were in no hurry to lose their jobs.

The collection includes originals and transcripts of the letters, as well as a partial subject index.