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Michigan in the Civil War

Browse by Name: McCauley, Joseph

Moore family

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The papers of this Ypsilanti, Mich., family include letters from several soldiers:

L. Monroe Kepler, of Iowa (regiment unidentified). A letter from camp headquarters of the 19th Army Corps near Strasburg, Va., October 21, 1864. He described his trip back to Washington to his regiment, only to learn that the regiment had been sent to the Shenandoah Valley, and he made his way there. A month later he was detailed at headquarters of the 19th Army Corps to act as orderly. He was "in all the fights" under General Sheridan in the Valley campaign. He had a horse to ride and the honor of carrying the Corps flag during the whole campaign.

Edson Langley, of Iowa (regiment unidentified). Two letters to his friend James from Estes House Hospital, Keokuk, Iowa, August 3 and 11, 1864, in which he says he is getting well; that the first ward is full, "not an empty bed," but that an examining surgeon from Washington is there and has marked about fifty for discharge. He gives news of other boys, including Dewey Moore.

Joseph McCauley (tentative identification). One letter (Oct. 16, 1865) written from San Antonio, Texas.McCauley served in Company H, 3rd Michigan Cavalry.

Dewey Moore, of Iowa (regiment unidentified). A letter from the U.S. General Hospital, August 25, 1864. He had been working in the hospital, but because of "a small quarrel" with Dr. Cash, he was transferred to the carpenter shop doing "all kinds of work" such as mending "old bedsteads & chairs, set glass, etc." He had not yet "been mustered into the Vets." He told of a shooting match for a silver cup and for a twenty-day furlough. He gave news of other men in the regiment. The hospital was full with sick coming in as often as a boat could get up the river.

Samuel Randal Moore, of Ann Arbor, Mich. Three letters (1863 and 1865) written to members of his family. He tells of a grand review of troops in Washington of the armies of the Potomac and Cumberland, including Sherman's troops, and of a speech made to the regiment by Governor Crapo. Moore was in Company F, 20th Michigan Infantry, 1862-1865.

T. W. Tower, of Iowa. He was a lieutenant in the 17th Iowa Infantry. A short letter from Tilton, Ga., July 16, 1864 to friend Jim, tells of guarding a railroad, and of courting the girls. There is also much home chit-chat.

Also one letter (May 24, 1865) written from Baton Rouge, La., by an unidentified solder named Jim, who served in the 3rd Michigan Cavalry.

This collection is available on microfilm for interlibrary loan.