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Michigan in the Civil War

Browse by Name: Benton, Edwin

Bagley, J. M.

This collections is available online.

Materials collected by J. M. Bagley of Layton Corners(?) Mich., include papers of Corydon P. Benton, Coldwater, Mich., politician, which contain about 15 letters (Sept. 28, 1861-Dec. 3, 1862) from his son Edwin Benton,soldier with the 44th Illinois Infantry who was killed in action at Stones River, Tenn., and a letter (Jan. 8, 1863) from B. F. Kneppen relating to Benton's death. The collection also contains correspondence of Daniel Wilson of Ovid Township, Branch County, Mich., which includes letters from Wilson's nephews John Willson (Apr. 11, 1862) written from Belmont, Ky., and O(?)Wilson (Mar. 30, 1863) of the 4th Rhode Island Artillery, Battery C, written from Falmouth, Va. Five letters (Dec. 17, 1861-Mar. 9, 1862) of William Babcock, written from Kentucky and Tennessee are also found in this collection.

This collection is available on microfilm for interlibrary loan.