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Michigan in the Civil War

Browse by Name: Jackson, Walter Hinckley

Jackson, Walter Hinckley, 1840-1930.

Typescript of a diary (Sept. 6, 1862-May 15, 1865) kept while he was serving in the 130th New York Infantry. (Beginning Sept. 1863 the unit was redesignated 19th New York Cavalry and later 1st New York Dragoons.) He was a musician and helped to organize and train a band. The other entries deal with the weather of which he writes often, of mud, snow, and corduroy roads and walks; the building of quarters for men and horses; camp life, duties, and recreations; scouting, skirmishes and battles; prisoners; the destruction of railroads, etc. in the final days of the war; and Lee's surrender. Jackson later became a dentist in Michigan.

Mattoon, Gershom W.

The collection contains a letter to W. H. Jackson (Dec. 12, 1908) and an accompanying letter (Dec. 17, 1927) from Jackson, reminiscing about the Battle of Cedar Creek. Mattoon, of Durand, Mich., served in Company E, 6th Michigan Cavalry. Jackson served in the 1st New York Dragoons.