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Michigan in the Civil War

Browse by Regiment Type: Missouri

Missouri Cavalry Regiment, 2nd, 1861-1865
Missouri Cavalry Regiment, 13th, 1864-1866
Missouri Engineers Regiment, 1st, 1864-1865
     [SEE earlier name: Missouri Infantry Regiment, 25th, 1861-1864]
Missouri Infantry Regiment (U. S. Reserve Corps), 2nd,1861
     [SEE ALSO later organization: Missouri Infantry Regiment (U. S. Reserve Corps), 2nd, 1861-1862]
Missouri Infantry Regiment (U. S. Reserve Corps), 2nd, 1861-1862
     [SEE ALSO earlier organization: Missouri Infantry Regiment (U. S. Reserve Corps), 2nd, 1861]
Missouri Infantry Regiment, 8th, 1861-1865
Missouri Infantry Regiment, 12th, 1861-1864
Missouri Infantry Regiment, 13th, 1861
     [SEE later name: Missouri Infantry Regiment, 25th, 1861-1864]
Missouri Infantry Regiment, 14th, 1861-1862
     [SEE later name: Illinois Infantry Regiment,66th, 1862-1865]
Missouri Infantry Regiment, 25th, 1861-1864
Missouri State Militia Cavalry Regiment, 6th, 1862-1865
Reserve Corps Infantry Regiment, 2nd, 1861
     [Search Under: Missouri Infantry Regiment (U.S. Reserve Corps), 2nd, 1861]
Reserve Corps Infantry Regiment, 2nd, 1861-1862
     [Search Under: Missouri Infantry Regiment (U.S. Reserve Corps), 2nd, 1861-1862]