Please note: this site is no longer updated and new acquisitions are described in the finding aids/catalog.

Michigan in the Civil War

Browse by Regiment Type: Other United States Organizations

Army Medical Department
Army of the Cumberland
Corps, 1st, 1862-1864
Corps, 2nd, 1862-1865
Corps, 3rd, 1862-1864
Corps, 5th, 1862-1865
Corps, 9th, 1862-1865
Corps, 14th, 1862-1865
Corps, 17th, 1862-1865
Corps, 19th, 1862-1865
Corps, 20th, 1864-1865
Corps, 23rd, 1863-1865
Engineer Battalion 1st
Secret Service
Sickles Brigade, Regiment, 1st, 1861
     [SEE later name: New York Infantry Regiment, 70th, 1861-1864]
Sickles Brigade, Regiment, 4th, 1861
     [SEE later name: New York Infantry Regiment, 73rd, 1861-1865]
Veteran Reserve Corps, Battalion, 2nd, Company, 79th, 1864-1865
Veteran Reserve Corps, Battalion, 2nd, Company, 100th, 1863-1865
Veteran Reserve Corps, Provisional Cavalry, Company, 1st, 1864-1865
Veteran Reserve Corps, Regiment, 2nd, 1863-1865
Veteran Reserve Corps, Regiment, 8th, 1863-1865
Veteran Reserve Corps, Regiment, 18th, 1864-1865
Veteran Reserve Corps, Regiment, 23rd, 1864-1865