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Loco for Locomotives
More than 550 digitized images have been added to the Bentley Image Bank, including historic pictures of locomotives and railroading from the collection of Claude T. Stoner, a photographer and avid fan of the “Iron Horse.”
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#GivingBlueday Helps Digitize Collections
There’s no time like the present to support Michigan’s past! We invite you to kick off the season of giving with #GivingBlueday at the Bentley Historical Library! Today, November 29th, you can be a victor for Michigan by making a gift to support the digitization of our collections.
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Silver Award Winner
Our article in the spring issue of Collections magazine about LGBT rights pioneer Jim Toy has just won a silver award for best feature writing from the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). We are thrilled! Read the full article by clicking below.
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Beyond the Field
The powerful oral histories of 28 African American athletes have been digitized and made available online through the Bentley’s new Digital Media Library. Hear in their own words the stories of athletes who overcame adversity to triumph on the field and off.
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Camp Collection
Dave Camp, who served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1991 to 2015, has donated the collected materials from his 24 years in office to the University of Michigan Bentley Historical Library.
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U-M’s Victory Reunion
Seventy years ago this week, the University of Michigan held a Victory Reunion to celebrate the U.S. victory in World War II and the campus’s transition back to peacetime. The combination graduation and reunion weekend brought upwards of 5,000 alumni back to campus to mark a new era in the University’s history, and to honor the… Complete Story
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Wartime Football
As U-M prepares to play its spring game, the Bentley takes a look back and how football changed in the 1940s when the U.S. was at war.
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