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Michigan in the Civil War

Browse by Battle: Shiloh, Tenn.

Bailey, Franklin H., 1845-1914
Bellamy, Henry H., 1837-1862.
Brethschneider, Robert, 1819-1877.
Caldwell, William Clinton, 1837-1896.
Gillette, John W., collector.
Hall, James H., 1839-1924.
Harrison William H.
Hunt, Charles G., 1843-
Military Order Of The Loyal Legion Of The United States. Michigan Commandery
Shay, Ephraim, 1839-1916.
Sligh family
Torrey, George D., 1842-1862.
Travis family
Van Riper, Charles A., 1821-1900.
Weener, Walter, d. 1862.