Please note: this site is no longer updated and new acquisitions are described in the finding aids/catalog.

Michigan in the Civil War

Browse by Battle: Cold Harbor, Va.

Anderson, Faron, 1844 or 5-1864.
Baker, Vestall A., 1843-1928.
Christiancy, Henry Clay.
Fall family.
Ford, Charles W.
Gates, Samuel K., 1822-1889.
Grant, Claudius Buchanan, 1835-1921.
Green, Sullivan Dexter, 1833-1889.
Grommon, Frank P., 1840-1905.
Hodskin, Charles Horace, 1837-1905.
Irwin family.
Jackson, Walter Hinckley, 1840-1930.
Kendall, David Walbridge, 1903-1976.
Kidd, James Harvey, 1840-1913.
Longyear, John Wesley, 1820-1875.
McCreery family
Mead, Charles.
Military Order Of The Loyal Legion Of The United States. Michigan Commandery
Noah family.
Noble, Alfred, 1844-1914.
Noll, Conrad, 1836-
Randall, William H., 1844-
Rowe family
Vosburgh, Wash.
Wallace, Elmer D.
White, Rollin N., d. 1864.
Willett family